SGRoA: Blood Ties, S1 E22: Deep Dark

SGRoA post 110 of 122

Ooh, does the whole episode take place at 8pm, the deep, dark, dead of night? I kid, I kid. Let’s finish this!

A psychic shuffles her tarot cards and tells Coreen that she knew she would return. Coreen points out they have a weekly appointment. Ah, but she would return with a specific problem, and Coreen says she did – only it’s Vicki’s dumbass love triangle. Coreen, you’re too nice.

Vicki is on the phone with her abusive mother, who’s being abusive. Lovely. We cut back to the psychic, channeling something that says it wants to help Vicki, too, but her protections are too strong. So instead of being like, hey, demon, GTFO, Coreen takes the psychic’s hands and gets possessed – and Vicki’s tattoos burn as she drops the phone.

Cut to the theme song!

Vicki tries to get hold of Coreen, but she won’t return calls. Vicki goes through her datebook and finds the psychic’s card, so heads over there. Psychic says yes, Coreen was there. Vicki asks what else she had planned for the day, and the psychic says “everyone should be hearing about it shortly.” Vicki asks if there’s some joke she’s not in on, and the psychic says she should have gone to the demon willingly. Vicki hauls her up against the wall, but she doesn’t know where possessed Coreen went, just that she got in a cab, and the psychic is now awaiting her reward. Vicki punches her out: “Consider that your first installment.”

We’re off to a good start, here, and I’m guessing the demon is Astaroth, who gave Vicki the tats in the first place. Poor Coreen, though. She doesn’t deserve possession.

Cellucci’s mother sucks cocks in hell?

Coreen goes to a strip club, immediately chokes the bouncer. There’s like 4 people in there, since it’s the middle of the day, and the stripper is wearing devil horns, which is cute, but also, like, full-on pants, which seems a little weird for a stripper.

Vicki goes to Henry, and it’s apparently taken her four hours to do so? because she tells him that Astaroth has had Coreen for the last four hours. Time on this show is so bizarre. They don’t know where to begin to find her, except that the psychic said everyone would hear about it –

So Vicki calls dispatch, gives Kate’s badge number (!!!!), and asks if there have been any reported disturbances involving a Goth young woman. Henry teases her about using Kate’s badge, and Vicki says, “Please. She’s too busy primping and preening herself in front of Mike to notice.”

I don’t even know where to begin with this one, my god. I guess we end the series where we began: Vicki’s a bitch! ACAB! All the hits!

Anyway, there was a disturbance at Club Vinyl, so off they go.

Mike, meanwhile, is on a kidnapping task force. Hannah Tang, daughter of a Chinese telecom owner, was abducted that morning at her home. Probably Asian gang related, and during the briefing, Mike’s phone is blowing up – from Vicki, obviously. Mike’s pissed, because Crowley kicks him out of the briefing, and refuses her plea for help. Vicki says if he doesn’t help, if cops get there first, someone will die. Mike reluctantly agrees to help after Vicki says it’s Astaroth.

Coreen is kissing the dancers on stage; the club patrons seem to think it’s just a little performative lesbianism and are super down. But Coreen isn’t enjoying this; her face is contemptuous, sneering, hateful. She kicks the other girls off and starts spinning on the pole; security is trying to remove her. Cops show up just before Vicki and Henry, and Astaroth tazes them so she can fight Vicki and Henry instead. She immediately throws Vicki off, but Henry is able to knock her out with Mike helping by distraction.

They take Coreen to Henry’s and cuff her to his bed. I assume we’re doing some sort of exorcism. Astaroth wakes up and tells them it’s not about what he wants; it’s about what Vicki wants.

Henry and Vicki head out to find a priest, leaving Mike to watch Coreen. But Mike very rightly points out that he’s probably going to get fired, maybe already is, for walking out on the task force. Vicki doesn’t care, it’ll only be five minutes, thanks, Mike! and walks out the door.

She and Henry head to a soup kitchen, which to an American lapsed Catholic doesn’t seem like a place to find a priest, let alone an exorcist priest, but maybe Canadian clergy are more into the actual helping of people, and not just the status afforded by a collar. They have a brief discussion about Henry moving; he talks about Toronto as being something he wants that isn’t good for him, and we all know he really means Vicki.

Father Cascioli says it’s been a long time; Henry quips that if he does more midnight masses, Henry will show up more.

not pictured: Father Cascioli

The good father says he can’t help them. Something happened last time he did an exorcism, but this guy is, like, 35 tops. He absolutely would not be an exorcist in the Catholic Church, tell you what. Henry and Vicki guilt him, and obviously they’ll get their way: it’s their show.

Astaroth is giving Cellucci shit about coming in second to Henry, but, like, it’s a demon. He’ll just pick anything that can hurt you. He moves on to Mike’s dad, then offers powers to help Mike solve crimes – and hits on the abductee. Astaroth shows him some vague images, and Mike demands to know where she is. Astaroth says nothing’s free: won’t Mike prop up Coreen’s head so they can be more comfortable?

Before Mike can do so – and obviously get attacked or whatever – Henry, Vicki, and Cascioli come in. Exorcism! Let’s begin. Exorcism! Look out sin!

apologies to Mr. Brooks

Lololololol, no one did any research. Guy’s wearing a red stole and says “Holy Ghost”. Midnight Mass this definitely is not. You can buy a Roman Rite on Amazon for, like, $30, too, so they could have bothered, but then it probably wouldn’t be a Blood Ties episode. He says like two lines, and then they just let Astaroth talk.

Turns out, he took out Coreen’s heart. She’s dying, but that also explains where she was for four hours when Vicki was dicking around. Vicki runs off to find the heart, and Astaroth is left to poke Cascioli about the last exorcism and offers Henry sunlight and blah blah. We all know how TV does exorcisms, right?

Mike has gone back to the precinct, and is immediately suspended pending formal dismissal. He hands over his badge and his gun while Dave and Kate watch, and Vicki is waiting outside. She apologizes to him, but of course he’s not having it. She says there’ll be a hearing, and he suggests a vampire character witness or Coreen shooting blood from her eyeballs, that’ll help!

But what really pisses him off, he says, is that he spent a year trying to get over her, and a year trying to get back with her, but Vicki can’t trust anyone. Mike knows it’s not Henry he’s fighting: it’s Vicki, it’s all Vicki, it’s always just Vicki.

Vicki says she can’t be with anyone because of Astaroth, but come the fuck on. “How do you make plans with something like this hanging over your head?” I don’t know how to tell you this, Vicki, but people just live their lives. People are still having kids, getting jobs, falling in love. The planet’s on fire and everyone wants to be a fascist, but we still have to live! Joy and love are the only things to strive for when everything sucks!

Coreen gets to come out for a bit and apologizes to Vicki for getting her involved, but Vicki was already involved.

Mike and Henry are interviewing the cab driver. He took Coreen for Indian food, she kept talking about demons and vampires, she was in the bus station for an hour or so. She came out looking down, said she had man trouble – she’d lost her heart.

Back at Henry’s, Vicki asks Astaroth why she’s so important to him He needs her to open a doorway for him, so he can be fully in the world, and she has the strength he needs. He casts some shade on God (well-deserved, honestly), and offers Vicki power, and her sight back, obviously. Oh, the priest is still here? He stops Astaroth from offering Vicki more, but, like, what else is he doing? Why is he hanging around? They can’t exorcise Coreen because of the heart thing – shouldn’t someone just be chilling in some headphones, not listening, just guarding?

Bah, after 21 episodes, you’d think I’d know better than to expect logic!

Mike asks Henry to mojo him so he can figure out where the abducted girl is. Henry does; Mike realizes it’s a crypt, not a cell as he thought. He calls Kate, but she dismisses him – and then of course looks up the name he gave her, along with birth and death dates.

Astaroth is taunting Cascioli. Vicki asks if he’ll be able to finish this, and he tells her never to doubt him.

In the home 10-minute stretch! Mike and Henry try locker 666 at the bus station, and bingo bango bongo: Coreen’s beating heart.

Vicki drops it back in with what the captions tell me is a “growly-squishy sound”, Cascioli continues the exorcism, and Astaroth goes into him, instead, leaving Coreen dead. He stabs Henry with a big ass sword, knocks Mike out, then tells Vicki her tats can save Coreen or send him to hell, but not both.

So she saves Coreen, because this is television. Oh, she tries to send him to hell, but he gets away, saying he’ll see her soon. They un-impale Henry, and Coreen seems perfectly fine, and Mike – left, I guess? No one seems terribly concerned that a demon is running around in a priest’s body except Henry, who is convinced that Vicki will turn to black magics now. He wants her to go with him, but, like, whyyyyyyyyyyy?!?!?! She’s so awful! She makes you worse, Henry!

Oh, here’s Mike. The abductee was where the demon said, day saved, apparently. Henry again says not to trust demons. Mike kisses Vicki and leaves, telling her that Astaroth is her problem now, leave him out of it.

Vicki wants to go after him, and Henry tells her not to, but she says she has to try to “make it right”, and Henry’s all, sure, great, “so be it”, and leaves as well.

End credits.

Well. That was… definitely one of the vampire shows of all time! I’m not at all disappointed that Vicki’s alone and unhappy: all of her decisions led to that. I’m disappointed but not surprised that she let Astaroth get away; people in movies and TV are always making very bad choices to save their loved ones, I guess it’s a typical thing? No one can save the world without also saving every friend they’ve ever had, but, like, life has consequences, sometimes people die. Letting the world burn so you can get yours is – well. How we got here as a society, so, yeah. My least-favorite trope, in fiction or in life.

I would highly recommend the books this series is based on, by P. N. Elrod. They are excellent, actually well-written, and worth looking into, especially if you like any of these episodes.

I’ll be back in the new year with a new series. Please do leave a comment or catch up with me on my socials if you have any ideas of what I should do next!

Happy Holidays, see you in 2024!

SGRoA: Blood Ties: S1 E21: We’ll Meet Again

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I mean, I certainly hope not, but this is our penultimate episode, so I understand the sentiment. Let’s go!

Vicki’s trying to close up for the night when Coreen brings in a walk-in client. His name is Lee, and he hears Vicki takes weird cases. Sure, she says, and because he looks all of 16, asks if Mr. Wilson stole his ball.

it’s an older reference, but it checks out

No, says Lee: “you have to help me find my wife.”

After our opening credits (which I just learned have a RAP VERSE, it plays over the closing credits), Vicki asks if they’ve been together long, or if it was “a whirlwind schoolyard romance”. Lee says 400 years, a dozen lifetimes, and I assumed he’s a vampire, but no. Coreen says they’re reincarnated, and I guess that’s what we’re going with.

Everyone heads off to Henry’s – Vicki calls him “a historical consultant”, because of course Henry should be involved. Sincerely. He’s had the most experience with weird shit. Anyway, Lee admires his art and starts talking some 1920s slang, which Henry parries nicely. Henry decides Lee is telling the truth, so they should take his case: that is, find whoever his wife has reincarnated as in this lifetime.

He starts taking them through his history. First time they got together, he was “a mohawk guy and she was a preacher’s daughter”. Like, in the 80s? asks Coreen, and yes: 1682! So he was a Mohawk, not a punk, lol. This episode so far is very charming, I’m having fun.

They stole a canoe and drowned, but at least they were together. They met at a tree, and I guess I’m supposed to assume they always meet at the tree, but he doesn’t actually say that till the next scene, where they’re all four looking for the tree. Only it’s gone: victim to a shopping mall. Vicki quips about “urban sprawl”, and I won’t bore y’all with it, but I’m super into urbanism and city planning, so, Vicki, you have no idea, trust. (Watch CityNerd on YouTube or nebula, he’s excellent.)

Henry leaves to get dinner, because despite the fact it looks like it’s maybe 10pm, he’s “running out of night”. He tells Lee to trust Vicki, and Lee says he does, and also he needs a place to crash. Coreen offers the office couch, and everyone disbands for the evening. Oh, excuse me, the deep, dark, dead of night.

Down at the precinct, Captain Lady (I forgot her name again, she hasn’t been in an episode since single digits, I think) tells Cellucci it’s time for his performance review. He’s immediately defensive: he’s up to date on paperwork! He’s maximizing his downtime! Closes come in cycles, he’ll be solving cases again soon!

Captain is having none of it. This cycle has Vicki Nelson all over it. If Mike isn’t careful, he’ll be following Vicki into the dark. Review is tomorrow.

patrick stewart making a "yikes" face
Mike’s face rn

Back at the office, Lee is talking more about his past lives. They’re all jumbled, he can’t necessarily pinpoint who he was last time. He’s seeing a car wreck, a red VW, and Alice, his girl. He thinks his name was John? They always die together, and are born as the next babies. Sometimes they have years together, sometimes only hours. Vicki doesn’t find it romantic, but Coreen is completely starry-eyed. Have to say, I’m with Coreen.

Lee describes his wife – tone deaf, hates cats – and Vicki calls Cellucci to start finding her. But, like, why not start with birth records?! They die together, they’re born close enough to Toronto to always go to that tree – why are we going straight to Cellucci? Who, by the way, pretends Vicki is his uncle when he answers the phone, because Captain Crowley (! thanks, Vick!) is still around. She’s asking for an accident report instead, which…. fine, okay, it’s maybe the last bad episode I have to watch, let’s just roll with it.

not at all harsh, Tai

Some guy in a dark alley throws a knife at Henry, which he catches, and HOLY SHIT YOU GUYS YOU GUYS IT’S BLU MANKUMA!!!!!!!!

Captain Joe Reese himself! Do you think he ever talks about Nick? Wait, he didn’t know Nick was a vampire, did he? How incestuous is the Canadian acting scene?!

Holy crapballs, this is Augustus? Apparently Henry wants to move on, and Augustus Reese is going to help him do that. They set a meeting for the next night at Henry’s place.

The accident report works out for Vicki and Lee. They find Lee’s brother through it – or, well, John’s brother. The accident was 25 years ago, with only one fatality. They go ask the brother about it, and turns out, Lee was in a coma, and it took the brother 10 years to pull the plug. Lee is incensed and yells at the guy that he should have let him go immediately, and of course the brother slams the door on them.

Still no birth records talk.

Cellucci left the accident report with Mohadevan, so Vicki stops in there to read it. Two paramedics got into a fight at the scene, and Alice was apparently a hemophiliac? Which Mohadevan says is very rare in women, but she gets regular emails from the Hemophilia Society, so she knows how many there are in the city, somehow. Just three, so it’s handy that they just sort of… list people’s medical problems in email blasts, I guess?

Me, watching right now.

Vicki and Lee head off to the one woman in the right age range, Helen. Lee knows her at the door, and she certainly seems to know him back, but what’s this? A husband?!?!?! Like, yeah, guy, she’s 25, not 15. Y’all are out of sync. She lies to her husband and says she doesn’t know Lee, and Vicki hustles him out. He fights the whole way, unable to control his emotions.

Vicki asks Henry to talk Lee out of pursuing Helen. Henry refuses, and Vicki’s objections are pretty lame, honestly. She’s 10 years older! She’s married! So tell him to wait a bit, but Helen clearly knew him on that doorstep, and now she’s going to have to make some decisions, but come on, Vicki. Henry tells her she doesn’t understand her client, and that’s true: she’s fighting against belief in him, which isn’t going to help.

So she… gets Helen’s library records?! WTF. How can she even do that? Canada, do y’all have just absolutely zero privacy laws? A little medical record here, a list of library books there… Like, listen, I know America’s a total shithole, but at least Vicki can’t find all the incredibly shitty books I’ve taken out of the library over the years. Damn.

Anyway, Helen has taken out a bunch of books about reincarnation, most of them repeatedly over the last few years. Vicki also has some sort of alert up, because her computer chimes and we find out that a) it’s the month of the anniversary of the car accident, and b) someone sent flowers to the grave of John Smith, aka Lee. But we never get to learn who’s sent the flowers, so I don’t know what this is doing here.

Then there’s a very weird scene of Lee watching Helen’s husband eat a sandwich on a bench. Husband looks up, sees Lee, then Lee disappears when a bus passes, and Husband throws away the sandwich and leaves.

again, me watching rn

Vicki goes back to John’s/Lee’s brother Jeff, and asks if he knows Helen. He says yes, she came to see him when she was a teenager, and knew things about Alice that she couldn’t have known. He says he once went to see Alice while she was alive and he hit on her, and then Helen told him to forgive himself, because Alice had forgiven him. A pause, then he tells Vicki that she dredges up terrible memories every time she comes, so please leave him alone. Vicki quips back “That’s what my mom says every time I go home for the holidays” and wtf, Vicki, don’t just trauma dump on this stranger! And also, wtf, Vicki, cut your bitch mom off then!

So Vicki calls Coreen and says Helen is a liar, which – yes? Did you see her face on that porch? Were you even there, because I was, and obviously she was lying about knowing him, wtf. Her husband was standing next to her! She can’t just break his heart for something she thought she imagined a decade ago! Jesus, the position you all have put her in, the doubts she’s having, the doubts she had ten years ago… This woman is being tortured, she doesn’t deserve bitch Vicki calling her a liar. Fuck’s sake.

Anyway, Coreen and Vicki head to Helen’s, and Lee is already there, on the lawn, listing all the times they’ve found each other. Vicki’s being a bitch about it, but Helen opens the door and comes out to Lee. She asks why he couldn’t stay away, and kisses him, then tells him it’s too late and sends him away. Coreen goes after him, Vicki stays with Helen – only then they’re both in Vicki’s office, for whatever reasons.

Helen’s pregnant, yikes. No wonder she can’t entertain Lee. She and Vicki have one of those weird conversations about love that’s supposed to reveal something about Vicki, but this episode is clearly written by neurotypicals, so I don’t really understand what’s happening here, sorry. Helen loves her husband, obviously. She also loves Lee, and she will forever, apparently, but this is her first chance at having a baby because of the hemophilia and their timing is ruined and it always ended in tragedy, so…. And all of that I get, but I’m not sure why it’s here, or why we’re in Vicki’s office, or why we have to listen to her deal with her own (incredibly stupid) love triangle.

Maybe I just really hate Vicki, Henry, and Mike. Probably more likely.

Henry and Lee are doing much the same.

Apparently Lee is in Letterkenny, and Helen was on Battlestar Galactica, so that’s a fun fact! Two fun facts!

Vicki busts in on the boys’ night and tells Lee to move on, to learn from his mistakes and move on! So Lee just leaves, and then Henry kicks Vicki out for not believing in happily ever after. And then he pulls the trigger with Augustus, so I guess it’s bye-bye Henry.

We are only halfway through this episode, my god. At least Lee is charming, and Joe Reese was here.

Lee runs into Helen’s husband, who… starts physically fighting him? Pushing him, shoving, telling A 15-YEAR-OLD BOY to stay away from Helen or he’ll regret it. AND THEN ACTUALLY STARTS A FIGHT. With a child!

I – uh – I don’t have anything to say, here. What is this plot?! Helen was just telling us how wonderful this guy is, and he’s starting fights? WITH CHILDREN?!

Lee almost kills the guy, and Vicki and Mike have to fight at the crime scene about it. She tells him about the case, and Captain Crowley walks up to yell at them both and threaten Vicki with jail time for obstruction.

Honestly? Crowley’s right! Mike is throwing away his career to help Vicki, Vicki is obstructing cases! Like, I get it, vampires and gods and past lives and witches and shit, but holy crabcakes, stop meddling! Stop using police resources for your own ends! Stop thinking you can do whatever you want because you used to be a cop, Vicki!

even when they’re not cops anymore

Joe Reese – excuse me, Augustus – is at Henry’s, complaining about the wine Henry serves him. He seems much more relaxed in this new job, good for him. This is actually interesting lore, too: Augustus asks Henry a bunch of questions about what he’s looking for, what the territory he’s giving up is like, stuff like that. I love some good procedures and rules of operations, y’all know that.

Augustus’ family has been keeping the peace between vampires for 4 generations! No wonder he went undercover as a police captain! Gotta keep Nick Knight in check, or he’ll be worse than these jabronis.

Lee stops by the office to thank Coreen, then steal her wallet. Jeff offers him a car, and they reconcile before Lee flees.

Oh, good, last 10 minutes, thank the fates. Vicki calls Mike to tell him that Lee might kidnap Helen, and to look up his old acquaintances from 40 years ago. She also tells him that Lee is dangerous – “He’s been a soldier, a trapper, a thief, a tracker” – and all I can think of is Sinatra. Mike calls the car at Helen’s, but no answer, so obviously we’re all converging on Helen’s.

Lee hustles her out the door, despite her saying she doesn’t want to. He ties her to a tree, seems to be killing them both to restart the cycle? She defends her “kind” husband to him, but again, STARTED A FIGHT WITH A CHILD, and Lee is unfazed.

Vicki and Mike arrive at the house roughly together, and Mike tells Vicki to scram before the other cops show up and they both get in trouble. Vicki goes to Henry, runs into Augustus on his way out, but Henry offers to help because kidnapping is a bridge too far.

Helen is trying to talk Lee out of it. She’s tired, it always ends badly. Lee has a gun on her when Henry and Vicki show up, and Vicki spills the pregnancy news. Everyone’s trying to talk him out of it, but isn’t Henry fast enough to disarm him? It’s a gun, not a stake, what is Henry doing?! Why is he even here?

Next scene, Lee is in the box with Cellucci, because apparently he just gave up? Excellent writing, thanks, love it.

Lee takes a plea, Mike calls the office and tells Coreen, but doesn’t want to talk to Vicki. Vicki also tells Coreen that Henry’s moving on, and we end on a shot of Vicki, staring out at the rain.

Only one more to go!

SGRoA: Blood Ties, S1 E19: Wrapped

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Y’all. Y’ALL. WE ONLY HAVE 4 EPISODES LEFT! Now, I have other nonsense to recap for you – True Blood and all those CW shows that are just pretty people talking (with Captain Kirk, apparently?!?!), but what would y’all like to see? I love doing the vampire stuff, but honestly, I could also do a Star Trek or a book series or whatever your little hearts desire. Let me know on my socials or in the comments!

We open on two men who have liberated a truck from its previous owners. They open it and discover their prize: Incan artifacts, including a mummy. We’re doing 1st-season Buffy?

I mean, rip off the best, I guess?

So of course they open the mummy, desecrate it to find gold, and get eaten by… Danny Trejo?!?!?! My hopes for this episode are suddenly sky-high, at least as far as entertainment is concerned. I know better than to expect them to, like, make sense, or anything.

So, yes, Danny Trejo the mummy gets all plumped back up as one robber takes a gold disc off him. Then he kills that guy, and tells the other guy – Wendell – that if he serves Danny, he’ll live. Cue the opener!

most charming guest they’ve ever had

Henry has a dream that Danny is in his house. He tells him he’s made a mistake, asks who the intruder is, and Danny turns around, says “Death!”, and all Henry’s blinds go up and he catches fire. Then he wakes in his bed, and I cheated, cuz I read the description on IMDB (which apparently I should have been doing this whole time, they explain a LOT), but Henry’s kind of vampires don’t dream, so this is a problem. I think this lore is stupid – the function of the brain isn’t completely overridden by vampirism, so why would being a vampire preclude needing to order your memories? (or to sleep at all, eh, Stephenie?) Like, it’s dumb, but it is a problem for Henry, so let’s see what happens.

Vicki’s hair looks terrible as Henry explains this to her, and explains that vampires know when it’s their time to die. Which sounds like spooky magic, but it’s only because they kill themselves, and one tends to plan one’s suicide. Vicki points out he doesn’t have a death wish – unlike her dry-ass hair – but Henry isn’t so sure. Maybe he doesn’t know he wants to yeet himself into the great unknown. Sounds fake, but ok.

Mike and Kate are investigating the truck murder. The guy looks like a mummy, but Mike still wants to get the body’s neck tattoo checked out. Too bad the forensics guys drop a crate lid on the body.

just the forensic guys this time, tho.

Vicki, Coreen, and Henry are trying to figure out his dream They’re going through books on dream symbology, but obviously, that’s not going to work for Henry – the sun is definitely not a good omen for him. He sketches Danny, and Vicki says his vestments look Incan – which she knows because she took a Meso-American history class to pick up boys in college. Nice, Vicki. No sarcasm, I appreciate the unabashed sluttery.

Henry confesses that he thinks the guy in the dream is real, and that he thinks he’s in danger. Vicki vows not to let him die because of a dream.

Meanwhile, Danny Trejo is Danny Trejo-ing at Wendell’s house. Just eating people, learning about the time and place from sucking their brains dry, being evil and “scary-looking”. I mean, maybe he is actually scary-looking, I wouldn’t know, I know he’s Danny Trejo and isn’t gonna hurt me. Wendell has a very definite Mark Ruffalo vibe, I don’t think he’s gonna make it through this, but you do feel for the kid. He warns Danny that he can’t keep eating people, or someone will notice. Danny says he needs a special soul – a nightwalker, an “undying one like myself”.

He asks Wendell for the amulet that imprisoned him, and Wendell brandishes it like a weapon. But Danny holds up a fist and takes 5 years off Wendell’s life, so, yeah, Wendell, just do what you’re told. Danny cuts Wendell’s hand and drips the blood on the amulet while the captions tell me “weird, squishy music” is playing. BRB, gotta go make a playlist…. This apparently makes the amulet inert, and Danny is now unstoppable – and requesting fancier digs, somewhere “with internet”. (I haven’t lived in a major city without Internet since like 1991, it came with all my cheap, poor person apartments, but what’s up, Canada?)

Mike swings by Vicki’s office, and because this is a good episode, he’s already figured out that his body looks like a mummy, but isn’t, and that the actual mummy is missing. Vicki asks if it’s Incan, and how would she know that? Mike is peeved that not only are half his cases supernatural, but Vicki and Henry seem to be personally connected to all of them. I mean, that’s how TV shows work, Mike. I’m sure there’s dozens of Metro Police precincts that don’t encounter anything weird, because they’re not, you know, dramas.

So why did this specific mummy go missing? Coreen says she assumes it’s a curse or an imprisonment, and thank God everyone’s smart this week. Must help when you copy great works of Incan mummy literature.

yes, yes, whedon is awful, but Buffy still slaps!

Kate’s been doing her due diligence on the Incan exhibit. Nothing is missing except the mummy, and obviously Kate and everyone but Mike think it was crushed by the forensics team. Mike points out that the wrappings for the mummy have been disturbed in such a way that the thieves might have been looking for – and found – something valuable inside with the body. Kate says there was only a ring and a necklace – not enough for the thieves to leave everything else. Kate says there has to be an explanation – maybe something outside the box.

Vicki’s running down the list of gang members Mike gave her – the tattoo on the one guy was a gang sign. She finds his trailer and his name: Ron Newbury. And the museum curator just confirmed the existence of the amulet, and that it’s missing. It wasn’t in the manifest because of reasons, no real explanation. Ron rented the garage where he was found in cash, but the receipt was all Vicki found.

Mike starts giving her the business about collecting evidence in non-police ways, but Coreen interrupts. She’s been digging into the lore, and she’s discovered some stuff about Danny. Namely, that he was a priest who wanted to take over the throne of Cuzco.

this episode is 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

He’s named himself Pachacamac, another name for the sun god. But then he switches teams to the god of death, and he starts a cult. They try to take over, but are ultimately defeated, and they bind and bury Pachacamac after trying several times, unsuccessfully, to kill him. Guy’s been after power for centuries, and Vicki surmises that using Henry as bait will help them find Danny – because they seem to already have a connection, and because Henry is pretty sure Danny is coming for him.

See how good your episode can be when your scenes take longer than a five-second YouTube ad? When your characters actually get to discuss things with each other, instead of fighting for no reason?

Danny has taken over a mcmansion in the suburbs, and he talks about how his followers will come, their deaths will be glorious, and no, Wendell can’t leave yet! Be part of the death cult, Wendell! Oh, damn, Danny should have waited 10 years: he would have fuckin loved the Grand Old Party’s descent into death madness.

Henry has another dream, but it’s not really a dream. Danny is specifically looking for him, and through this vision learns Henry’s name. Knows who he’s looking for, now. Vicki tells Henry to guide the dream, to communicate and find Pachacamac. Henry insists he’ll find and kill him, but despite Vicki’s suggestion they use the connection, she now doesn’t want Henry to leave his apartment? and she’s going to guard him during daylight? Ok, fine, I guess nothing can be perfect.

Kate and Mike have an argument about Mike shutting Kate out, again, and leaning on Vicki for too much. Mike insists he has other sources, and tells Kate about Wendell, his latest lead. But we all know Kate’s not wrong.

They go to Wendell’s old place and Mike finds a mummified body, but tells Kate he didn’t find anything and destroys the body. That was a person, Mike! WTF? They also find the amulet, half destroyed, definitely not gold anymore. Definitely not working the same magic anymore.

Coreen is aghast, because without the amulet, how do they defeat Pachacamac? Vicki says that the magic still exists: they just need a practitioner with a grimoire. Vicki says she has the magic tattoos, and she knows someone with a grimoire. Coreen says that’s the dumbest fucking idea she’s heard, and she works with Vicki, she knows from dumb ideas. But Vicki is convinced, she’s the only option, even if Henry will freak if he finds she’s doing magic.

Vicki knows best!

(Also, and this is an aside, because it doesn’t quite fit, but I can’t let it go – A grimoire is just an individual witch’s book of spells and information. Like, I have color correspondences and weather aphorisms in mine, as well as some astrology shit and medicinal uses for botanicals, that kind of shit. Homemade soap recipes, tricks for good bread at altitude. Hilarious to me that “a grimoire” is, like, the pinnacle of magical items.)

Oh, Vicki thinks her tattoos draw evil into her life. Huh. I guess? I dunno, this show is so terribly written that the tattoos should be important, but all they give us is Vicki complaining about them or trying vaguely to use them. So, y’know:

Me, watching right now.

Coreen babysits Henry during daylight to go through his magic books and find a spell Vicki can use. There is actually some nice character building in a little scene between Henry and Vicki, but with three-and-a-half episodes left, I won’t bother with it.

Wendell has found Henry. Well, he’s found Henry’s comics. Pachacamac takes another few years from Wendell because he fails to call them graphic novels, and I laughed.

Mike has compunctions about being a cop – I mean, he quibbles about “good” cops who don’t destroy evidence and shit, but we know about “good cops”.

Vicki rightly points out that this isn’t exactly the sort of thing regular cops deal with. Mike wants nothing to do with it. He wants to be a regular cop who plays by the rules – he’s not made for this.

Vicki finds a spell to use, though Coreen says it’s too dangerous and Henry would never agree. Vicki’s pissed she wasn’t shown all the options, including whatever it is they’re talking about, and tells Coreen to get what they need, get set up, and do NOT tell Henry.

Henry has another dream, where Pachacamac tells Henry to meet him, gives the address, and threatens Vicki. Henry insists on going, so Vicki stabs him with a sword – oh, wait, it’s the sacrifice for a spell?!?!?! They need the blood untouched by sun, and herbs grown in dark, and then Vicki drinks it and it’s gonna… give her power, I guess. She immediately doesn’t need her glasses, so there ya go.

She heads off to Pachacamac’s house, and starts with bullets, which obviously don’t work. She offers him her life instead of Henry’s? Oh, the spell poisoned her for Pachacamac – he starts eating her and then dies, all mummied out again. It’s a little anticlimactic, but not much; they did set this up well, and I think this episode is more about how Vicki’s relationships are breaking down.

She goes back to Henry’s, but he isn’t there: he went out immediately to feed, wouldn’t even look at Coreen. So Vicki goes to the precinct to tell Mike it’s done. Mike also refuses to speak to her any longer. She’s back at the office when Henry turns up, complaining about her use of black magic, and that he can’t forgive her, even if it saved his life.

And that’s the end. Looks like we’re wrapping up Vicki’s whole life here in Toronto: Mike’s out, Henry’s out, even Coreen seems rattled. We might get a decent send-off for this thing… if they can keep it together for three more hours!

SGRoA: Blood Ties, S1 E15: 5:55

SGRoA post 103 of 122

So, before I even start, gonna take a stab and say that this episode will give us the ticking clock I was looking for in the last one, but who knows? I could definitely be wrong, not all my predictions come true. Just, like, a lot of them.

Henry and Vicki show up to a hotel with a secret third friend, who has hired them to retrieve an antique bowl that he sold to someone named Benoit. He shipped the bowl, but never received payment, was unable to contact the guy, et voila, call in Vicki to retrieve it. Henry is complaining because he’s hungry, but then stops them: he smells something, pain and hate and fear. Vicki quips that it’s “a no-tell motel”, and first of all, Vicki, there was a legit maid in a uniform and a gorgeous wooden front desk fully staffed after dark, so what? and she adds that basically nothing bad could possibly be happening there, so secondly, which is it? Cheap motel, where bad shit happens constantly, or happy fun place?

Vicki, I’m just getting tired now

They all start booking it, following Henry, whom secret third friend calls a bloodhound. Henry says there are hundreds of presences in the hotel, and then there’s black things coming in through a window and Vicki’s tattoos are glowing and

she wakes up on her couch. The clock reads 5:55.

This opening fuckin SLAPS. I know, I get lost in details, but, like, it just hooks you, gives you everything you need to know in a few lines of dialogue, and then comes at you with danger and the entire premise of the episode. It’s a time loop or a premonition or a countdown, but you know you’re going on a RIDE. Well done!

Vicki relates the dream to Coreen, who has woken her from a short nap. She says she died in the dream, after feeling every part of the entity go through her. Coreen makes a quip about chips after dinner, but then Secret Third Friend walks in to hire Vicki to retrieve his fuckin bowl!!!!!!!!

I love this shit, maybe it’s the weed, but I’m pumped for this episode

His name is Jacob Keller, and he starts the opening credits. He needs to get paid for this bowl, or he’s out of business. Vicki is extra bitchy about him doing business with people who only disclose their PO boxes, but I suppose that’s a little more understandable after her dream.

So! We are off! Vicki calls the PO box place and sweet talks the real address out of the clerk on the phone. She collects Henry and Jacob, and of course they walk in to a crime scene, Mike and Kate hovering over a dead body. It’s Benoit, of course, single stab wound to the belly, place has been trashed. Vicki’s annoyed: first normal case she’s had in weeks and of course the guy is dead. There’s a weird digression about Mike’s “lucky” tie being about “getting lucky”, but Mike says that no, he and Kate were out celebrating closing another case, one that Vicki had worked before her eye condition made her leave the force.

So obviously, Vicki has to be a bitch about it, and is bitchy about Kate being the one who broke the case. Now, this i will buy as related to her disability, but jesus, Vick.

you could TRY

Vicki spies a note on Benoit’s desk – “Empire Hotel, midnight” – says nothing about it to Mike, and leaves with a parting shot about Kate.

So we get the same scene from the opening: hotel front desk, maid in uniform walks by, Vicki and Henry walk in, and – wait. Jacob isn’t with them, and as they start wandering the halls, Vicki is asking Henry what Mike’s lucky tie might mean, and they walk right by Jacob sitting in an alcove.

spock and kirk from TOS. kirk says "whut?"
I am very confused

Neither Henry nor Vicki manage to notice him until he walks up and interrupts their conversation to ask where his bowl is, and then they catch up to the rest of the open – Henry’s hungry, a lady drops a room service tray (at a no-tell motel?) and Vicki says she’s done this before. But instead of just a fluttering curtain, they see a man with a case. Vicki says that’s their guy, Henry attacks him, he drops the case. Jacob steps forward to get his bowl, but Vicki stops him as her tattoos flare, Henry goes to her, and the guy with the case opens it and lets out a bunch of spirit-looking things. He seems to be injured? by the case opening? and Vicki tackles him

just before waking up on her couch, at 5:55.

just a sucker for a time loop, what can I say?

Jacob walks in and Vicki is ready. She tells him all his business and then reads him for filth for lying to her. She knows he’s after a box, not a Roman glass bowl, and she wants some fuckin answers, because she’s already died twice for this thing and it’s still only 5:55! So tell her!

Jacob says it’s got powers, it’ll give you eternal life. “It’s a lot more than that,” says Vicki, and they’re off, grabbing Henry as he walks into the office.

They go to Benoit’s office, hoping to prevent his murder. Almost make it, too – Benoit dies just after they show up.

When Mike arrives, Vicki gives him shit about the tie and Kate, and he says he feels like he walked into a fight he didn’t know he was having, and like, Mike. Michael.

Do you not feel like this every time you’re with Vicki? Because I do, and I’m not even on the show!

She gives Mike a rundown of the scene and leaves, and poor Mike. He is not cut out for dealing with Vicki’s paranonsense.

Back in the hallway! Vicki wants to end it “right here”, but there’s still 20 minutes left, you might have one more go-round on this one. Guy comes around the corner, Henry attacks, case falls to the ground. Vicki wants answers from case guy, but of course Jacob opens the box, tattoos, spirits, bam!


She tells Coreen to keep Jacob there, meets Henry at the car, makes it to Benoit’s office before he’s dead. He denies knowing anything about a box, but they hustle him out the door. He complains that he’s been looking for it for 25 years, and how could anything so beautiful be dangerous? No dice, but Vicki makes a crack about getting there “too soon”, because even in a time loop….

They bring Benoit to the office, where Coreen has stalled Jacob successfully. Vicki charges Henry with keeping everyone in one place, and heads over to the hotel, calling Mike in for backup on her way.

Box guy is dead when they show up. No sign of the box, but Vicki remembers a janitor from Benoit’s office who seemed shifty. They find him in the lobby with the box, and he tells Vicki not to open it or look at it, but she does! AND THEN BAM, 5:55!!!!!!!

Vicki draws a symbol she saw and has Coreen research it before getting Mike, preventing Benoit’s murder, and catching the janitor guy before he gets to the hotel. Henry and Coreen keep Jacob corralled until Vicki calls; she wants Henry to bring him to the precinct and asks about the symbol.

It’s for the Knights of Babylon, a secret society that was started in the 1500s when they came into possession of Pandora’s Box. Legend is, no human can withstand the temptation to open it, something Vicki seems to already know intimately.

Mike can’t really hold anyone for anything, so he and Henry go to the hotel with Vicki to get the box. But this time Box Guy has a gun, and Mike gets shot in the chest and dies.

Vicki wants to open the box, to go back again, to save Mike. Henry refuses. Some things can’t be changed, they have the box, that’s the thing that counts….

But of course, it isn’t. Henry sees that she would die for Mike, and he opens the box for her… and it’s 5:55.

Vicki calls Mike, gives Coreen the night off, takes Benoit to Henry, and goes to get the box alone. Or thinks she’s alone: janitor has followed her. Turns out both guys are Knights of Babylon, but Box Guy is stealing the box and Janitor is recovering it. Janitor has a gun on Vicki, but Henry shows up just in time to take his weapon and the box – because Henry isn’t tempted to open it.

Henry takes the case to seal it up in the walls of his apartment, and Vicki thanks him for ending the world for her. He drinks from her in the elevator, and then she wakes up…

at 5:56.

SGRoA: Blood Ties, S1 E13: DOA

SGRoA post 101 of 122

Happy Thursday, or whenever you’re reading this, I can’t tell you what to do. Let’s get right to it!

Vicki’s opening her office for the day when she realizes someone’s behind her. We’re supposed to think it’s a criminal of some sort, but it’s an undercover cop: Deeds. She says he looks like hell, undercover must not agree with him (because she’s a bitch! Get it?!) and he says he needs her help with a homicide. She wonders why? He’s a cop, he knows how this goes. He says this one’s a little weird, because he’s the dead guy, and then walks into her office through the door.

Vicki’s face rn

So after the credits, we get right into it. I have to give the writers a TON of credit here: they pack in an enormous amount of exposition just with dialogue that feels like two people actually talking, which is not usually a strong suit. Deeds has been divorced 4 times, he doesn’t know who killed him, he woke up at his apartment, and he wants to know why he’s a ghost. This is all in like, 45 seconds, I’m not kidding, it’s great!

Also, why can he sit on the couch, but he just phases right through stuff he wants to touch? Excellent point, Deeds, I’m very sad you’re dead. You’re the first character I’ve liked.

He was undercover with a biker gang. Last check in with Fry, his handler, was… well, he can’t remember. Doesn’t know where his body is. Vicki has more questions, but Coreen comes in, and she can’t see Deeds. Womp-womp, that’s disappointing, and then Deeds ruins everything by telling Vicki that Coreen is wearing a red thong, so Vicki can… prove to Coreen there’s a ghost in the room? Which Coreen already believed?!

kristen wiig in bridesmaids saying "are you fucking kidding me?"
I take back every good thing I said about you, Deeds. gross

Vicki goes right to Mike, since the undercover supervisor isn’t going to tell her, a civilian, anything. Mike asks why she’s so into Deeds all of a sudden, and she has to admit he’s a ghost client. Mike refers to him as ‘Dirty’ Deeds and says he never trusted him: Deeds didn’t care how he closed a case, just that he did. Lotta people might want to see him dead, and the fact that so far, no body has turned up and no one knows he’s dead seems to point toward more nefariousness than usual. So says Mike, at least.

Mike says he’ll check with Fry –

and Vicki makes a parting shot about him mixing stripes and checks. (Because she’s a bitch!)

Vicki heads to Henry’s next, obviously. Henry doesn’t have a lot of experience with ghosts, and he can’t see Deeds – who is rifling through Henry’s bedroom. Vicki – who has, in 12 episodes, never once spoken about this guy to Henry, whom she has spent all of those episodes with – defends Deeds’ “natural curiosity” and has to be told by Henry to get Deeds out of his things.

I mean, takes one to know one, I’m not perfect, but….

Henry asks for some details, after Deeds asks if Vicki and Henry are together. Vehement denial. So she and Mike are still a thing? Absolutely not. Then Deeds might have a chance? Vicki rolls her eyes.

Deeds was at the Standard, a biker bar, with a girl. Henry says he knows the place – he doesn’t always hunt in the opera circuit – and Vick makes a crack about fast food.

Mike has a sit down with Crowley (the character formerly known as Captain Lady) about Deeds. He was running with the Wolverines, backstory of an ex-con with international drug shipment experience. The Wolverines haven’t had the best luck lately: drug shipment stolen, member killed, clubhouse firebombed.

not the same Wolverines

Mike says he just has a hunch about Deeds being in trouble; he also says that he was a “good cop, lousy person.” Crowley admits that Internal Affairs was looking into him, since he hadn’t provided any actionable Intel in months. They’re sitting in a diner, across the street from a Wolverines hangout spot, and they both see Deeds show up and interact with the bikers. Like, Deeds makes eye contact and points Mike out to the biker guys on the corner, and Crowley says he’s so good at playing his part, he might not be playing anymore.

a black and white dog making a puzzled face. text says "dude, wait, what?"
10 minutes in, and I have such whiplash!

Coreen and Henry are doing research. Henry says Deeds reminds him of a myth he’s heard: early vampires visiting loved ones, appearing at first benign, but then stealing the life force of the living. The fact that Deeds doesn’t know how or where he was killed disquiets Henry; he doesn’t think Deeds is who he says he is, perhaps, or wants what he says he wants. It could be a ghost; it could be Astaroth, or something he sent to do his bidding.

So Mike “arrests” Deeds and brings him back to the precinct, then calls Vicki to come by. Deeds’ voice is weird, and he’s burning up (he hugs Vicki as if he hasn’t seen her) and is eating the world’s bloodiest roast beef sandwich, thing looks like it was served with red food coloring as the au jus. I’m a carnivore, but gross. Might be something to this whole vampire variant thing.

Henry heads to the Standard to ask a few questions. He has to mojo the bartender – in this show, they give an extra deepness to his voice, works nicely – and bartender says that Deeds met a girl, they talked, they danced, they headed to the men’s room. Deeds booked it out of there a few minutes later, but the girl sat at the bar looking stoned for a few minutes – before she died.

Crowley and Mike have a productive conversation about Deeds, and what he might be doing: maybe not stealing, but selling out the Wolverines, either to another gang or to a different law enforcement agency. Crowley tells Mike to be careful, but yes, keep on it.

Back at her office, Vicki delivers the news that Deeds’ body is still walking around, eating gross roast beef, and Ghost!Deeds says “he’s killing my health regime” and IT’S A REGIMEN. REGIMEN. Jesus, this one kills me, everyone thinks they’re the same fucking word, but they’re not! No Child Left Behind really out here leaving everyone born after 1985 behind, huh? Stop reading with vibes!

I’m begging

Anyway, Vicki asks who wants to kill him, and he asks her to specify really kill him, or just sorta kill him. Jesus, Deeds. No wonder you’re friends with Vicki.

Vicki and Henry meet at the morgue. Mohadevan has the girl from the bar, who looks to be in her 20s, but has the body of a 70-year-old. And a stomach full of raw meat. Mohadevan says it’s like the girl just “burned up”.

Deeds shows up in the morgue, and doesn’t appear to know Henry (“he’s my chiropractor,” quips Vicki) or the girl, though he says she’s pretty. Henry spies something in his pocket, and after a little weird small talk, Deeds leaves. Vicki maintains that that is not the Deeds she knows; the ghost is the “real” Deeds. Henry is less sure the ghost is even a ghost, and tells Vicki to be vigilant, even around the ghost!Deeds.

Mike is tailing Deeds, and spies him going to The Dragons, another gang in the area. The woman he speaks to tells him he’s already received his payment for letting the Dragons take over a Wolverines spot, and she tells him to impress her with more handovers. Deeds is really gross to her, too, basic sexual harassment, and tells her just before she walks off that she’ll be “tasty” when she finally lets him hit.

So. Deeds was selling the Wolverines out to the Dragons, and not giving the police anything to work on, and might be a weird, split personality ghostpire.

Look at that. Twice in one ep.
sure, sounds good

The girl from the bar – Tessa – was an addict, ran some drugs low-level. Her mom says she’d gotten clean in the last few months, but wanted to save her still-using boyfriend, who died 4 days before Tessa did.

ned flanders, fry, and other memes looking suspicious

The head of the Dragons, Chuntao Fang, seems to be reading a police file?!? when Mike busts into her office. She says she doesn’t talk to cops, and he says she talks to Wolverines. He wants to know about Wolverine homicides, and she doesn’t give him anything, but I think he was just there to let her know people are paying attention.

Vicki and Henry are coming up with a theory of the monster: it’s moving from body to body. First the boyfriend, then Tessa, then Deeds. So ghost!Deeds is probably the real Deeds, and the body is inhabited or possessed or something. Vicki praises Henry’s deduction skills, and Henry says he wants to be employed by her, as a detective. She admits he’s been very helpful, he almost kisses her, but Coreen comes in with coffee to interrupt. Vicki is snarky, and Coreen pronounces cruller like “crooler”, and the subtitles spell it “crueler” and I am confused.

am I insane? it’s a cruller!

Deeds does a drive-by in front of a bar. No, I don’t know which gang he’s targeted, or why. Just drives up, shoots out the window, drives away.

Mike and Vicki have a decidedly unsatisfying meeting. Vicki’s found more “burned up” victims that form a straight line to Deeds, but doesn’t know what’s causing it. Mike can’t tell her what he’s found, because of the internal affairs investigation, but he does ask Vicki to ask Deeds wtf was going on.

So she does, bizarrely for this show. He gets defensive, obviously, and leaves, despite Vicki telling him that they can maybe get the thing out of his body before it’s really dead, and that the thing is attracted to some sort of particular essence – in other words, something was going on with Deeds that made the monster want him, something unsavory. Deeds gives her nothing, but Henry does feel him leave, which can’t be good for Deeds’ body.

Henry’s here because he and Coreen have found the monster, they think: an ekimmu, a Babylonian spirit that moves from body to body to create violence and chaos. It lives in a constant state of hunger, with raw meat its meal of choice. It has to touch people to move on, and if they can get ghost!Deeds to be there when it does, they can maybe put him back in his body. They just need a way to trap the ekimmu, but Vicki says that’s not the hard part. They’ll have to find Deeds, too, since he just fired her.

Henry ribs her gently about picking a fight in two dimensions (because she’s a bitch!), but she says everyone was thinking he was dirty, she had to ask. Henry finally tells her he saw Deeds with papers in his jacket, and it’s the file on Chuntao Fang! That’s what she was reading; that’s why Deeds was hanging around the precinct. If they can figure that out, they can maybe figure out who’s next, and fix everything.

so much going on!

Ok, y’all, last 10 minutes, we can do this. So! Vicki and Mike figure out what files are missing, that they’re all about Chuntao, and that they’re dated before the ekimmu took over Deeds’ body. So that determines that Deeds was working to put the Dragons against the Wolverines, and definitely not for the Metro PD. Mike goes to get a warrant from Crowley, and Deeds corners Vicki as soon as Mike leaves.

Vicki tells it she knows what it is, it tries to eat her with this bizarre tongue thing, she kicks Deeds nuts and he runs away.

couldn’t help myself

Ghost!Deeds justifies his actions to Vicki, saying he was taking bikers off the street, getting them to fight each other. Vicki says some nonsense about doing things the “right” way and being “one of the good guys” and, well. Y’all know what I feel about that.

But good news! Henry’s found a cedar dagger, because Babylonian problems require Babylonian solutions. They have to strike when the ekimmu is between bodies.

Oh, I see, the ekimmu did the drive-by on Wolverines to impress Chuntao and move into her body. Vicki and Henry show up just in time to stab the weird tongue thing (the ekimmu), save Chuntao, and save Deeds.

Or, at least, save Deeds long enough for him to tell Vicki he’s sorry, she’s right, they are supposed to be good guys, and then he dies.

Mike shows up, and takes an intensely traumatized Chuntao into custody. Vicki apologizes to Henry for being a bitch specifically about Henry not really believing there was a ghost? But he did?

Whatever, it’s the end, I do not have the energy to care anymore. At the end of the day, this episode is over, and I have to go to the back to restock my bitch and confusion memes. See you next week!