SGRoA: Blood Ties: S1 E21: We’ll Meet Again

SGRoA post 109 of 122

I mean, I certainly hope not, but this is our penultimate episode, so I understand the sentiment. Let’s go!

Vicki’s trying to close up for the night when Coreen brings in a walk-in client. His name is Lee, and he hears Vicki takes weird cases. Sure, she says, and because he looks all of 16, asks if Mr. Wilson stole his ball.

it’s an older reference, but it checks out

No, says Lee: “you have to help me find my wife.”

After our opening credits (which I just learned have a RAP VERSE, it plays over the closing credits), Vicki asks if they’ve been together long, or if it was “a whirlwind schoolyard romance”. Lee says 400 years, a dozen lifetimes, and I assumed he’s a vampire, but no. Coreen says they’re reincarnated, and I guess that’s what we’re going with.

Everyone heads off to Henry’s – Vicki calls him “a historical consultant”, because of course Henry should be involved. Sincerely. He’s had the most experience with weird shit. Anyway, Lee admires his art and starts talking some 1920s slang, which Henry parries nicely. Henry decides Lee is telling the truth, so they should take his case: that is, find whoever his wife has reincarnated as in this lifetime.

He starts taking them through his history. First time they got together, he was “a mohawk guy and she was a preacher’s daughter”. Like, in the 80s? asks Coreen, and yes: 1682! So he was a Mohawk, not a punk, lol. This episode so far is very charming, I’m having fun.

They stole a canoe and drowned, but at least they were together. They met at a tree, and I guess I’m supposed to assume they always meet at the tree, but he doesn’t actually say that till the next scene, where they’re all four looking for the tree. Only it’s gone: victim to a shopping mall. Vicki quips about “urban sprawl”, and I won’t bore y’all with it, but I’m super into urbanism and city planning, so, Vicki, you have no idea, trust. (Watch CityNerd on YouTube or nebula, he’s excellent.)

Henry leaves to get dinner, because despite the fact it looks like it’s maybe 10pm, he’s “running out of night”. He tells Lee to trust Vicki, and Lee says he does, and also he needs a place to crash. Coreen offers the office couch, and everyone disbands for the evening. Oh, excuse me, the deep, dark, dead of night.

Down at the precinct, Captain Lady (I forgot her name again, she hasn’t been in an episode since single digits, I think) tells Cellucci it’s time for his performance review. He’s immediately defensive: he’s up to date on paperwork! He’s maximizing his downtime! Closes come in cycles, he’ll be solving cases again soon!

Captain is having none of it. This cycle has Vicki Nelson all over it. If Mike isn’t careful, he’ll be following Vicki into the dark. Review is tomorrow.

patrick stewart making a "yikes" face
Mike’s face rn

Back at the office, Lee is talking more about his past lives. They’re all jumbled, he can’t necessarily pinpoint who he was last time. He’s seeing a car wreck, a red VW, and Alice, his girl. He thinks his name was John? They always die together, and are born as the next babies. Sometimes they have years together, sometimes only hours. Vicki doesn’t find it romantic, but Coreen is completely starry-eyed. Have to say, I’m with Coreen.

Lee describes his wife – tone deaf, hates cats – and Vicki calls Cellucci to start finding her. But, like, why not start with birth records?! They die together, they’re born close enough to Toronto to always go to that tree – why are we going straight to Cellucci? Who, by the way, pretends Vicki is his uncle when he answers the phone, because Captain Crowley (! thanks, Vick!) is still around. She’s asking for an accident report instead, which…. fine, okay, it’s maybe the last bad episode I have to watch, let’s just roll with it.

not at all harsh, Tai

Some guy in a dark alley throws a knife at Henry, which he catches, and HOLY SHIT YOU GUYS YOU GUYS IT’S BLU MANKUMA!!!!!!!!

Captain Joe Reese himself! Do you think he ever talks about Nick? Wait, he didn’t know Nick was a vampire, did he? How incestuous is the Canadian acting scene?!

Holy crapballs, this is Augustus? Apparently Henry wants to move on, and Augustus Reese is going to help him do that. They set a meeting for the next night at Henry’s place.

The accident report works out for Vicki and Lee. They find Lee’s brother through it – or, well, John’s brother. The accident was 25 years ago, with only one fatality. They go ask the brother about it, and turns out, Lee was in a coma, and it took the brother 10 years to pull the plug. Lee is incensed and yells at the guy that he should have let him go immediately, and of course the brother slams the door on them.

Still no birth records talk.

Cellucci left the accident report with Mohadevan, so Vicki stops in there to read it. Two paramedics got into a fight at the scene, and Alice was apparently a hemophiliac? Which Mohadevan says is very rare in women, but she gets regular emails from the Hemophilia Society, so she knows how many there are in the city, somehow. Just three, so it’s handy that they just sort of… list people’s medical problems in email blasts, I guess?

Me, watching right now.

Vicki and Lee head off to the one woman in the right age range, Helen. Lee knows her at the door, and she certainly seems to know him back, but what’s this? A husband?!?!?! Like, yeah, guy, she’s 25, not 15. Y’all are out of sync. She lies to her husband and says she doesn’t know Lee, and Vicki hustles him out. He fights the whole way, unable to control his emotions.

Vicki asks Henry to talk Lee out of pursuing Helen. Henry refuses, and Vicki’s objections are pretty lame, honestly. She’s 10 years older! She’s married! So tell him to wait a bit, but Helen clearly knew him on that doorstep, and now she’s going to have to make some decisions, but come on, Vicki. Henry tells her she doesn’t understand her client, and that’s true: she’s fighting against belief in him, which isn’t going to help.

So she… gets Helen’s library records?! WTF. How can she even do that? Canada, do y’all have just absolutely zero privacy laws? A little medical record here, a list of library books there… Like, listen, I know America’s a total shithole, but at least Vicki can’t find all the incredibly shitty books I’ve taken out of the library over the years. Damn.

Anyway, Helen has taken out a bunch of books about reincarnation, most of them repeatedly over the last few years. Vicki also has some sort of alert up, because her computer chimes and we find out that a) it’s the month of the anniversary of the car accident, and b) someone sent flowers to the grave of John Smith, aka Lee. But we never get to learn who’s sent the flowers, so I don’t know what this is doing here.

Then there’s a very weird scene of Lee watching Helen’s husband eat a sandwich on a bench. Husband looks up, sees Lee, then Lee disappears when a bus passes, and Husband throws away the sandwich and leaves.

again, me watching rn

Vicki goes back to John’s/Lee’s brother Jeff, and asks if he knows Helen. He says yes, she came to see him when she was a teenager, and knew things about Alice that she couldn’t have known. He says he once went to see Alice while she was alive and he hit on her, and then Helen told him to forgive himself, because Alice had forgiven him. A pause, then he tells Vicki that she dredges up terrible memories every time she comes, so please leave him alone. Vicki quips back “That’s what my mom says every time I go home for the holidays” and wtf, Vicki, don’t just trauma dump on this stranger! And also, wtf, Vicki, cut your bitch mom off then!

So Vicki calls Coreen and says Helen is a liar, which – yes? Did you see her face on that porch? Were you even there, because I was, and obviously she was lying about knowing him, wtf. Her husband was standing next to her! She can’t just break his heart for something she thought she imagined a decade ago! Jesus, the position you all have put her in, the doubts she’s having, the doubts she had ten years ago… This woman is being tortured, she doesn’t deserve bitch Vicki calling her a liar. Fuck’s sake.

Anyway, Coreen and Vicki head to Helen’s, and Lee is already there, on the lawn, listing all the times they’ve found each other. Vicki’s being a bitch about it, but Helen opens the door and comes out to Lee. She asks why he couldn’t stay away, and kisses him, then tells him it’s too late and sends him away. Coreen goes after him, Vicki stays with Helen – only then they’re both in Vicki’s office, for whatever reasons.

Helen’s pregnant, yikes. No wonder she can’t entertain Lee. She and Vicki have one of those weird conversations about love that’s supposed to reveal something about Vicki, but this episode is clearly written by neurotypicals, so I don’t really understand what’s happening here, sorry. Helen loves her husband, obviously. She also loves Lee, and she will forever, apparently, but this is her first chance at having a baby because of the hemophilia and their timing is ruined and it always ended in tragedy, so…. And all of that I get, but I’m not sure why it’s here, or why we’re in Vicki’s office, or why we have to listen to her deal with her own (incredibly stupid) love triangle.

Maybe I just really hate Vicki, Henry, and Mike. Probably more likely.

Henry and Lee are doing much the same.

Apparently Lee is in Letterkenny, and Helen was on Battlestar Galactica, so that’s a fun fact! Two fun facts!

Vicki busts in on the boys’ night and tells Lee to move on, to learn from his mistakes and move on! So Lee just leaves, and then Henry kicks Vicki out for not believing in happily ever after. And then he pulls the trigger with Augustus, so I guess it’s bye-bye Henry.

We are only halfway through this episode, my god. At least Lee is charming, and Joe Reese was here.

Lee runs into Helen’s husband, who… starts physically fighting him? Pushing him, shoving, telling A 15-YEAR-OLD BOY to stay away from Helen or he’ll regret it. AND THEN ACTUALLY STARTS A FIGHT. With a child!

I – uh – I don’t have anything to say, here. What is this plot?! Helen was just telling us how wonderful this guy is, and he’s starting fights? WITH CHILDREN?!

Lee almost kills the guy, and Vicki and Mike have to fight at the crime scene about it. She tells him about the case, and Captain Crowley walks up to yell at them both and threaten Vicki with jail time for obstruction.

Honestly? Crowley’s right! Mike is throwing away his career to help Vicki, Vicki is obstructing cases! Like, I get it, vampires and gods and past lives and witches and shit, but holy crabcakes, stop meddling! Stop using police resources for your own ends! Stop thinking you can do whatever you want because you used to be a cop, Vicki!

even when they’re not cops anymore

Joe Reese – excuse me, Augustus – is at Henry’s, complaining about the wine Henry serves him. He seems much more relaxed in this new job, good for him. This is actually interesting lore, too: Augustus asks Henry a bunch of questions about what he’s looking for, what the territory he’s giving up is like, stuff like that. I love some good procedures and rules of operations, y’all know that.

Augustus’ family has been keeping the peace between vampires for 4 generations! No wonder he went undercover as a police captain! Gotta keep Nick Knight in check, or he’ll be worse than these jabronis.

Lee stops by the office to thank Coreen, then steal her wallet. Jeff offers him a car, and they reconcile before Lee flees.

Oh, good, last 10 minutes, thank the fates. Vicki calls Mike to tell him that Lee might kidnap Helen, and to look up his old acquaintances from 40 years ago. She also tells him that Lee is dangerous – “He’s been a soldier, a trapper, a thief, a tracker” – and all I can think of is Sinatra. Mike calls the car at Helen’s, but no answer, so obviously we’re all converging on Helen’s.

Lee hustles her out the door, despite her saying she doesn’t want to. He ties her to a tree, seems to be killing them both to restart the cycle? She defends her “kind” husband to him, but again, STARTED A FIGHT WITH A CHILD, and Lee is unfazed.

Vicki and Mike arrive at the house roughly together, and Mike tells Vicki to scram before the other cops show up and they both get in trouble. Vicki goes to Henry, runs into Augustus on his way out, but Henry offers to help because kidnapping is a bridge too far.

Helen is trying to talk Lee out of it. She’s tired, it always ends badly. Lee has a gun on her when Henry and Vicki show up, and Vicki spills the pregnancy news. Everyone’s trying to talk him out of it, but isn’t Henry fast enough to disarm him? It’s a gun, not a stake, what is Henry doing?! Why is he even here?

Next scene, Lee is in the box with Cellucci, because apparently he just gave up? Excellent writing, thanks, love it.

Lee takes a plea, Mike calls the office and tells Coreen, but doesn’t want to talk to Vicki. Vicki also tells Coreen that Henry’s moving on, and we end on a shot of Vicki, staring out at the rain.

Only one more to go!

SGRoA: Blood Ties, S1 E7: Heart of Ice

SGRoA post 95 of 122

Yes, the next episode is Heart of Fire, and maybe George RR Martin would be riled to hear it, but I’m betting these two are going to be more boring misogyny and baffling conflict-for-the-sake-of-conflict that comes outta nowhere. But let’s find out!

Vicki’s looking for an accountant who just stole $15 million. Cellucci’s hanging with her, because we start almost every episode at stasis: everything is fine with everyone, and we’ll get angry for no reason later. I appreciate the episodicality, the effort to make it a “drop by whenever!” sort of show, but I don’t know if it works so well here.

She goes through his cell records and finds a girlfriend, so case closed! Which is good, because Vicki needs to get paid. Cellucci offers to buy dinner, then invites her to Dylan’s birthday party on Saturday. Dylan is turning the big oh-seven, and he asked for “Aunt Vicki” to come to the party. Cellucci was over at Molly’s house, and Dylan overheard him talking about “seeing” Vicki again.

yeah, I don’t know either

But Molly’s always liked Vicki, which is nice, but Vicki passed on the birthday party.

Cut to a group of unhoused people, including Francine, who thinks the shelter can “keep their damn salty soup” and then is quickly murdered by something that growls and sees in black, white, and orange – like a FLIR infrared, but not, like, really. Artistic FLIR.

Francine’s friend Annie shows up to Vicki’s office, since Tyrell and Linda have also disappeared in recent weeks. Vicki remembers Annie from working the beat; Annie says Vicki was the only decent cop she ever met.

Annie knows

Cellucci and partner whose name I cannot remember show up to a different crime scene. There’s no blood, so we can definitely look forward to another unhinged Cellucci rant about Henry. 1 victim, a pretty young woman, fang marks on her throat. Cellucci scans the crowd and sees a guy who doesn’t belong: JULIAN MOTHERFUCKING SANDS.

I mean, that can’t be right, and also how sad, because he was just found dead on Mt. Baldy in California. He’d been missing for a while, but weather and other conditions prevented a big search.

In any case, Cellucci tells the crime scene photog to get pics of the guy, but he’s already bolted. Dave, the partner whose name I should remember because it’s the same as my house skeleton, says it’s fine, they’ve been taking pics for ages, they’ll have him.

Vicki goes with Annie to the encampment and searches Francine’s space. No one new around the camp, no one had a beef with Francine. A lot of her stuff is gone already, which is to be expected, but doesn’t give Vicki any clues. She follows some drag marks to a culvert, and they find Francine’s bag.

At the precinct , Captain Lady is going through Cellucci’s desk and haranguing him about going through cold cases. He thinks it’s a copycat or repeat of a “vampire” killer; she’s a bitch for no reason, as usual. Do you not, like, have your own job to do, Cap? You just spend your days and taxpayer funds micromanaging Cellucci 40 hrs a week?

Henry is working while Vicki wants help with her case. Henry’s mad about it before Vicki says she wants to use his nose like some sort of fanged bloodhound, and then Vicki bounces, so the point of this scene is…absolutely nothing. Excellent!

Vicki takes Annie and the bag to Cellucci, who hates the unhoused and thinks their problems aren’t worth investigating. In other words, a “good cop”. Vicki badgers him, and finally he says he’ll help her if she helps him.

Oh! Henry goes to the culvert where the bag was and starts sniffing. They should have put this right after the other scene, because otherwise it looks dumb and pointless, but I don’t know why I expect these people to know how to write. (Credit where it’s due: this episode is much better than the last couple, but they don’t get a free pass just because they managed to follow the rules of procedurals for 15 minutes.) He hears the growling and does his little black-eyed vamped out routine.

Cellucci shows Vicki his vic. She tells him that Henry doesn’t kill, and Cellucci doesn’t buy it. She also alibis Henry, which he also doesn’t buy. Cellucci says if Henry didn’t do it, he’ll help Cellucci solve it. Sounds fun.

Henry runs into what is obviously a human who says he’s hunting a “windigo”, according to the captions, so I assume a Wendigo, which is the usual spelling.

sooooooooory about the spelling, eh?

So Henry brings the guy back to Vicki’s, where he (guy) describes the Wendigo as “pure hunger”, which will crack and gnaw one’s bones. Guy maintains it killed Francine, and he knows because he’s met the Wendigo before. It killed his dad, but never came at him, so he’s been hunting it ever since. Anyone who sees the Wendigo is marked for death; it’s followed him here. Oh, he’s unhoused, too. Huh. Didn’t look it, weird.

Henry says the cops can handle this, and Vicki agrees, especially since her deal with Cellucci. Henry refuses to help, though, so who knows.

OMG, IT IS JULIAN SANDS!!!!!! Holy shit. How did they get an actual name in this fuckin show?!?!

I love him, this is great

His name is Javier Mendoza, pronounced like a Castillian. He says he’s hunting for Cellucci’s killer, and they both know who it is: Henry Fitzroy.

a chipmunk turning suddenly with dramatic sound effect

Coreen is telling Vicki the history of Wendigo myths, that they all stem from people not wanting to believe how fast other people turn to cannibalism in the wilderness, and I’ll tell you what, I don’t like thinking about it either. There was some thread I ran across on Twitter during the Titanic submersible debacle that discussed it, from some sort of expert, and, like, do not go looking for facts if you are easily squicked. People like to eat people, it’s weird.

Javier Mendoza is an officer of the law – CANON LAW. He’s working for the Church, trying to bring Henry down. Delightfully unhinged. Catholics would try to hunt mythical creatures before pedos, wouldn’t they. Makes sense!

Mendoza says he has a way to neutralize vampires so they don’t kill again; he offers them “salvation”. Please. He wants Cellucci to turn Henry over, after claiming that Henry killed a woman around 50 years ago, after “seducing” her. I’ll put real cash money down that she’s related to Mendoza in some way, and that Henry isn’t responsible. I know how narrative works, and I’m pleasantly surprised that this episode seems to as well.

Cellucci, Vicki, and Henry get together to discuss the vampire cases. Henry maintains he didn’t do it. Cellucci asks if there are any other vampires in town he should know about –


– to which Henry replies, “We’re not all in the same book club.”

Y’all, I cackled.

Cellucci has brought every cold cases he thinks Henry’s involved in and starts badgering Henry. Henry recognizes the woman Mendoza brought, and says that yes, he killed her. No further details, and Cellucci knows he can’t bring charges for a 1944 murder, so Henry and Vicki leave, heading back to the encampment.

They go down into the sewer to look for more clues and run into Indigenous Guy from before. There’s growling, and all three of them head further in to hunt the thing. Which they find, and which attacks Henry and Vicki, but lets them go in favor of Guy. Henry ends up injured, and Vicki offers to feed him, but he refuses and says he’ll drop her off. They won’t be catching a Wendigo tonight.

There’s a little montage, and then Cellucci has a “hypothetical” conversation with another detective. If you knew who the killer was, but couldn’t make it stick, and another agency said they could deal with it and put the killer away – would she turn it over, even if the other agency maybe wasn’t as on the up-and-up as the regular cops?

She says she’d hand him over, because the important thing is to get the bad guy off the street. Even if that means no due process.

just a lil reminder

Coreen is still researching how to kill the Wendigo. She’s got silver bullets and hearts made of ice, and Vicki connects Guy hiding by the fire and Annie being near the fire to the ice heart, so they’re gonna try fire to kill it. Henry doesn’t think it’s their job, and he’s stayed alive by “picking his battles”, but Vicki rightly points out that there is no one else. Guy died, and he was the only one to even know what it was. Cops aren’t gonna touch this. Henry gives in.

Cellucci meets Mendoza at a dumpster, nice place. Mendoza maintains that Henry is just running around seducing and killing women all over the place for the last half-millennium. he says he needs Cellucci’s help, needs him to use some weird object on Henry to sap his power so Mendoza can kill him. Cellucci is hesitant, so Mendoza throws in a little misogyny to get the job done: it’s the only way to save Vicki from Henry’s clutches.

captain kathryn janeway, rolling her eyes

Vicki has a super soaker flamethrower, which is a choice on the prop master’s part. Explains why it was only a hundred bucks, though.

Oh, look at that: Mendoza has his “murder victim” imprisoned, and he’s going to let the sun kill her, because she’s a vampire. He tells her that he’s going to “save” Henry, too. Yup. That’s a canon cop.

Cellucci goes to find Vicki, but runs into Coreen, who presses some silver bullets on him. She describes them as “supernatural penicillin” – even if they don’t kill a creature, silver will almost always hurt one, or weaken it.

Vicki and Henry find the Wendigo, but Vicki’s flamethrower craps out at the last minute. Cellucci saves them with the bullets – yay! But then puts the object on Henry and reveals Mendoza – boo!

Mendoza takes Cellucci’s gun and locks him and Vicki out of the room he’s got Henry in. (Why the sewers have rooms with gates and locks, I have zero idea.) Vicki and Cellucci leave Mendoza to it, and the episode ends.

TWO-PARTER! I would have preferred a more drawn out battle with the Wendigo, then, but I guess we have to leave a full 40 minutes to defeat poor Julian Sands. See ya next week!

SGRoA: Blood Ties, S1 E1: Blood Price, Part One, Triumphant Return Edition

SGRoA post 89 of 122

Yo yo yo yo! How are you bitches? I took a little vacation from the recapping scene to recover from Moonlight, which I think we can all agree was extremely warranted. But I’m back! I’m recovered! I’m ready to get back in the game with our newest offering: Blood Ties!

Blood Ties is a 2007 series that aired on Lifetime, based on the series by Tanya Huff, a fucking LEGEND in vampire fiction circles. I read a bunch of these, but honestly, might go looking for them again, since I don’t own them. Our main character, Vicki Nelson, is a detective-turned-PI when she’s diagnosed with Retinitis Pigmentosa, which ruins her night vision first, and I believe she slowly loses more vision over the series? but I could be misremembering that part.

Anyway, she teams up with Henry Fitzroy, bastard son of Henry VIII and a vampire! And they solve crimes and have adventures and I loved, loved, loved this show when it first ran, so I hope it holds up. I had only a very vague recollection of Moonlight, and I think I understand why after a rewatch, so here’s hoping my fond memories of Vicki and Henry aren’t also misremembering! Let’s get started!

you can hear it, can’t you

We open with Vicki walking down the street, talking to her mom. Vicki is played by one of our very own recurring guest stars: Christina Cox!

You may remember her from her TWO appearances on Forever Knight, as both a traffic cop and Jeanne d’Arc, and IIRC she was in a Moonlight ep, wasn’t she? (I’m already wiping it from my memory, with only this blog to serve as a grim reminder of what I must never watch again.) Anyway, she’s talking to her mom and serving up some bad dialogue to let us know her mom is on her case about finding a husband. Boring, but it was on Lifetime, so, you know.

Meanwhile, in a basement somewhere, a dude is chanting in Latin in a candle-lit room. Seems to be summoning a demon, I think? I mean, nothing good is going to come of this, regardless of demonic existence. We cut to a dude walking down the street on his phone, and he sees a guy in a long coat, which he says is cool to whoever he’s on the phone with. And then there’s some super weird editing nonsense, but in a nutshell: Long Coat attacks Dude on phone, across the street from where Vicki is standing.

She darts into traffic because she wants to help Dude, obviously, but also because she hasn’t really changed her life to deal with her RP. Long Coat is already gone, of course, because this is set up like a vampire attack, and Vicki is mystified as we head into our opening credits and rockin’ theme. (All of these people have insanely chiseled chins, it’s bizarre.)

Hokay, so! Vicki calls it in, looks like Dude is dead. Detectives Graham and Celluci have caught the case, and Vicki mutters about Celluci. My money is on former partner that will be a maybe love-interest, especially since he’s played very handsomely by Dylan Neal:

Graham – Celluci’s new partner – has heard a lot about Vicki, who is apparently a legend for running through partners like water. She fires back that she wonders how long Graham’s going to last, so my money is now solidly on the “fractious ex-partners, maybe lovers” trope for Vicki and Celluci.

Vicki gives her statement, and then she and Celluci start fighting about it because we have to lean really hard on dialogue to establish character here, for some reason. We could have understood the bickering even if it weren’t shouted like they were a football field apart. Shame no one let the audience do their job. But, turns out that this murder is “just like the other one”, though Celluci refuses to tell Vicki any more about that, because she can’t expect to be treated like a cop anymore.

At her office the next day, a goth girl comes in demanding to know what happened last night, because “you were there!” Turns out, Dude was her boyfriend, and she knows who killed him – a vampire. Her name’s Coreen, his was Ian, and she wants Vicki to help her find the vamp who did it.

Vicki is obviously skeptical, but she takes the case – though she says she’ll only put a few days into it unless something really pops. And she warns Coreen that probably, nothing will.

Meanwhile, a vampire is getting a woman out of his bed and out of his apartment with a little good sex followed by a bite and a little innocent hypnotism. Once she’s gone – happily and alive! – he heads out for something. His doorman stops him for chitchat on the way out, mentioning the “vampire murders” he read about in the paper. Vamp Dude overreacts to that, yelling about how vampires aren’t real and the people who write that kind of shit are “idiots!” The doorman is like, uh, yeah, sure boss, whatever, and then Vamp Dude walks out with his newspaper.

This has to be Henry.

Vicki is back in the alley, scene of the attack, at night for some reason, but at least she has a flashlight this time. She takes a pic of what looks like some sort of sigil on the wall, and heads further down for clues. Behind her is Henry, right on time, to pass his hand over the sigil and Flashback for us ever-so-briefly, to being held down by men in black robes, chanting Latin. Vicki turns from collecting something out of a crack in the wall and hails Henry, but he uses a passing van to disappear before she can ask him anything.

Next stop is the medical examiner’s office! Mysteries are nothing if not predictable, which is probably why Moonlight pissed me off so much. There’s a formula! There’s beats to hit! Blood Ties is certainly doing its job in that respect. The ME is more involved in solving the kid’s murder than that Vicki isn’t technically a cop anymore, so she lets Vicki sit in on her preliminary examination. She confirms that there was another murder just like this, victims punctured by something super-sharp, both drained of blood. Vicki gives her the stuff she pulled out of the wall; a quick test confirms it’s blood. If the ME finds anything else, she’ll let Vicki know.

Demon Summoner Dude – Norman – is hanging out at the coffee shop where, surprise surprise, Coreen works. He has a sketchbook full of her, and some friends trying to say hi. He brushes them off – no time to hang with undergrads, he’s going through changes, he’s going to end up with the money and cars and girlfriend. They’ll see.

Coreen comes around and he settles up the bill with a huge tip. The friends wonder where he got all that money, but he just mentions again that “things are changing”. It is clear that Coreen doesn’t know him and isn’t interested, and I’m annoyed that we have been writing incel villains for roughly forever and it’s changed absolutely nothing about incel behavior. Delightful. Love it.

Celluci calls Vicki’s office to bother her about her visit to the ME – who’s actually a coroner, sorry, she didn’t even get a name in that scene, so, y’know. Vicki suggests sharing their info on the case, and Celluci says sure, meet me for dinner. She’s a little surprised, but agrees.

Norman goes home to an apartment full of arcade games and a jukebox, opens the door to his demon room, and summons his pet demon guy. Norman demands more of everything – more money, new clothes, a Porsche. His cockney demon says that he knows what it costs – “blood and souls”. Norman says yeah, I know, go do your thing, and the demon scampers away.

Celluci and Vicki get Chinese takeout and Mike (Celluci’s much-easier-to-type first name) doesn’t want to give up the goods on the case. It’s too hot, the info can’t get out, she knows better! Then he starts telling her she should try yoga for her RP.

Not literally, but, like, he’s telling her all about the latest research or some shit. She calls him out on it and he says he just “cares” about her, and if she’d just made some simple adjustments, she could have lived “a completely normal life!”

The fuck, dude?! No, for real, the fuck? I hope I’m not supposed to like this guy, because I really, really do not.

Mike makes her a deal: she tells him why she’s on this case, he’ll tell her SOME of what he knows. She makes him go first: they assume a perp on drugs, a razor for a weapon, the blood is ritualistic. Occult. Standard nonsense. Vicki gives up that she’s working for Coreen, and that she thinks a vampire did it. Mike dismisses it immediately, but Vicki points out that the blood had to go somewhere, and she didn’t see a blood vacuum at the scene when she was there. But then again, vampires are ridiculous, so clearly that’s not a real option. Let’s have another beer.

Our third victim gets into her car in a garage, and is promptly taken out by the demon – who stabs her with a sharpened fingernail. A claw?

Vicki had too many beers: she and Mike are making out at her cab. She says something teasingly mean, and he puts her in the cab without another word.

Henry is reading his paper at a diner; the waitress says vampires are a sign the city is world-class. She never mentions the city, but I remember this being Toronto, and in that case, girl, where have you been? That shizz is overrun with vamps. Vamps out the wazoo. Vamps out our ears. Vamps from here to the dance floor (to understand this joke, please see the 1990s Noah Baumbach movie, “Kicking and Screaming”).

He leaves and heads to a club, where Vicki is waiting outside to get in. From the clubwear of the patrons, I’m guessing this is a goth hangout, and thus both our protagonists are here to check up on Ian and Coreen’s friends and enemies. It is not, unfortunately, The Raven.

Vicki gets in and Henry asks her immediately what she’s doing there, with something like gloss on the words, but Vicki shakes him off and leaves. Henry stops a waiter next, and asks him about Ian; waiter says he had words with two guys, and Henry goes to talk to the guys. Real toughies, too, probably think they’re going to rob him or some junk. Oh, Ian was a waiter here, too. Henry establishes that they didn’t kill Ian – they aren’t that kind of evil – and of course has to beat his way out of the situation.

Vicki asks at the bar about Ian, and gets the same story from the bartender. He calls over other waiter about the two guys, and other waiter says they all went outside, so Vicki follows. She finds the guys, but no Henry, and no memories.

Guys, this show is pretty good, I am digging it! It can’t hurt that it’s based on actual books that were actually edited and already made sense, of course, and some of these directing and editing choices are a little weird, but it’s a pilot! I’m just so relieved that we’re back on more Forever Knight-esque footing than whatever-the-fuck Moonlight was. It’s like sinking into a featherbed after a long day of hard work.

Cate, overdosing on vampires

So it’s late, and Henry gets caught by the sun just before he makes it home. The doorman comments on his hand being burned – “I was making a friend dinner” – and Henry flees upstairs. Pretty standard lore exposition, but I can’t fault them for using a winning formula.

Graham and Celluci talk to the hot dog vendor who found the third vic, and the light is…bizarre. It’s daytime, sun shining, but there’s a blue filter over everything? Like, more than Twilight, even? It makes me wonder about day-for-night shooting: like, maybe they’re making the daylight shots look purposely strange so the night stuff, when it’s not really night, might not look bad? Or something? Because it continues into the next scene with Norman trying some PUA shit on a college girl, and it’s just like

Anyway, aside from everything being blue, I spotted a BMO Bank of Montreal, so yeah, we’re in Canada. And Vicki’s back at the coroner’s. The blood in the crack was Ian’s blood, and there was a substance on the victims’ throats like saliva. And the cells under the third vic’s nails is almost like batwing, but not quite. Seems like maybe a vampire – “Count Dracula on a bender?” says Vicki. Probably not, says the coroner – but then again, who knows?

I haven’t really been covering the banter here, but this cast already gets along well with each other. Vicki and Mike, Mike and Graham, even Henry and his doorman – everyone gets some quips, some jibes, a little chance to show the relationships. These people get along with each other, they like each other. It makes us more likely to like them, too; even Mike and his stupid yoga.

Vicki pops into the station to talk to Mike about the coroner’s report. He shoots down the vampire talk, but Vicki says she can’t just dismiss that it might be something weird. She storms off to continue her investigation, and Mike is annoyed that she’s not giving up.

Henry is at the scene of the third murder, where that same sigil is on one of the walls. Another brief flashback. This sigil is bad news bears, y’all.

Which is why Vicki is investigating it. She asks Coreen about the pentagram in it, because when she plots the murders, they could be three points on a pentagram. She calls Celluci to tell him she thinks she knows where the next murder could be – just as Norman starts to summon and Henry has drawn his own pentagram, so we can get everyone nearer to the big climax.

Slight problem, though: Norman needs a more powerful demon to get Coreen. Current demon tells him that he needs to do a couple more murders, and then a sacrifice right in the center of the pentagram, and they can get the big guy to get him the girl. Norman says to make it happen, no matter.

The fourth vic screams in the park where demon runs into her; both Vicki and Henry come a-running. The demon is scared off, but not before he tells Henry that his master is “coming for you!” Then he explodes into bats, which is pretty cool. Henry goes to the girl, but she’s already been slashed and is dead. Too bad that’s when Vicki finally gets there; she thinks Henry’s her guy. She threatens him with a nightstick, so he charges her, and when she can actually see his vamped-out face, she faints.

Which is when the police show up, so Henry flees – with an unconscious Vicki still in his arms.

And that’s Part One! I thought about doing both parts of the pilot, but I am old and tired, and I can’t actually sit still that long. But! Perhaps! I will drop an extra recap this weekend, if you’re all good little Snowflakes.

See you next week!