Moonlight, S1, E1: No Such Thing As Vampires, Triumphant Return Edition

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SNOWFLAKES! IT HAS BEEN A VERY LONG TIME! I might write about why I’ve been absent – it involves autism, too many jobs, my weird-ass personal life, and a broken brain – but for now! we have! NEW RECAPS!

MOONLIGHT ran for one season in 2007-2008. It stars Alex O’Laughlin, whom you may know from his recent (very long) stint on the rebooted Hawaii 5-0 (Five-Oh? 5-Oh? Five-0? whatever, it was copaganda anyway) as our Nick Knight main vamp, Sophia Myles as his human love interest, and Shannnnnnyyynnnyynnnyyynnnn Sossamon as – I forget, honestly. His dame, maybe? Or some girl he turned? I’m like 80% sure she’s a vamp at the start, but it’s been over a decade since I watched this, and my memory is shit at the best of times, so! Oh, there’s also this dweeby little vamp guy played by Jason Dohring who was in Veronica Mars, so some of you may know him, but I never got into that one.

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