SGRoA: Blood Ties S1 E16: Bugged

SGRoA post 104 of 122

Happy Halloween, Snowflakes! I hope you all have as spooky a weekend as you’d like, and get or give as much candy as you want, and that everyone thinks your costume is the coolest. Let’s get spookily started!

We open on two goths leaving a club. One of them isn’t feeling well; he “shouldn’t have had that last hit, I told you,” says the other. “You’re doing too much.” Sick Goth says he’s not doing enough, and refuses to get on the last bus home. Well Goth leaves him, and he drinks blue liquid from a little vial, calling it “sweet poison”. He proceeds to fall down dead, and bugs swarm him.

get swarmed!

Club owner shows up at Vicki’s office, of course, and the look on Vicki’s face perfectly encapsulates how I would look at this woman, too, which makes me rethink all my life choices. Girl is gothed to within an inch of her life, and has come to request Vicki’s help because “the Reaper’s influence has fallen over my sanctum.” Like, look, I understand committing to the bit, I just… don’t go that hard, I guess?

Oh, of course, she’s friends with Coreen. Lexia (who sounds like an electronic home assistant more than mistress of the dark) wants Vicki to investigate the death from the open, a kid named Dante. Lexia apparently has enough issues with the city already, but, like, won’t the city be investigating? Is his death natural? Ruled an accident already? Why are you immediately asking Vicki to do a maybe-homicide before cops have even been there? Or have they been?

Look, y’all, I know it seems super nitpicky, and that the following scenes are going to answer at least a couple of these questions, I hope. But these are not questions that make people continue watching (or reading) some piece of fiction. These are questions that just make your audience disgruntled because they make you look amateurish. Leaving all these common-sense issues just hanging over the narrative might seem like they’ll get people invested, but they’re cheap mysteries that someone in the narrative should have already asked or answered. Most people watching know how a procedural works, and not answering why the cops haven’t yet been involved just makes it look like the writers don’t know how a procedural works, and therefore like they have no idea how to write at all. Just a tip to keep in mind in your own projects, should you have any.

Someone has left Henry a present: a dead girl on his doorstep. That’s it, that’s the scene. Dead blonde, scarf around her neck, no one in the hall. Okay.

Mohadevan has Dante’s body, though she calls him Gene? Because no one named their kids Dante back in the day?

sure, why not

Anyway, he looks way more decomposed than he should, and Vicki points out he’s been swarmed. Looks like he died of anaphylaxis, which no one thinks can happen from bug bites, and, like, okay, wtf. Why is everyone so fuckin dumb this episode? Vicki was so great last week, time looping like a champ, all that tight, informative dialogue, and now this?

anaphylaxis from a bug?!?!?!

Feh! Yeah, I said it, FEH. Double feh! Get the fehck outta here with this, honestly. No one wanted the scab writers back from the beginning of the season, why are you torturing us like this, Blood Ties? I want to like you so bad!

Henry’s dead girl has her throat slashed, but, like, by claws, not a razor. Vicki asks him along to the club, but he says he’s busy without mentioning the dead girl.

Vicki and Coreen head to the club, and Coreen’s hair has grown three sizes. They’re using more wigs in this episode than Marina Sirtis has worn in all of Star Trek history, it’s honestly an accomplishment.

just… an ungodly amount of hair

And this club scene tells us almost nothing. They serve only wine and absinthe, because that’s all Lexia drinks. Well Goth from the opener has some survivor’s guilt for not putting Gene/Dante on the bus. He’ll ask Gene’s mom if he had any allergies. And yes, the bartender says, there are drugs in the club. It’s a club, duh.

No answer yet on whether the police have any sort of anything going on in relation to this death, btw. All those questions I had a few paragraphs ago are still up in the air.

Me, watching right now.

Henry goes to Mike for help. With a lot of preamble, he tells Mike everything he needs to know: Another vampire in town is leaving dead bodies for Henry to find, because he wants Henry’s territory.

… yeah, you were thinking it too

There’s another scene at the club where Vicki and Coreen talk about investigative technique and it’s dumb and boring, and Coreen’s fake hair is wildly distracting. Doesn’t advance anything, not even Coreen’s investigative skills, don’t know why we’re here.

Henry officially reports his dead girl so she ends up in Mohadevan’s office. She asks Mike if he doesn’t want to wait for her official report; he tells her they both know this won’t be in the official report, because it’s a vamp. He also tells her that Vicki is “just so busy”; let’s leave her out of this one. Mohadevan agrees, just as Vicki comes in looking for Gene’s tox screen. Mike hustles her out before she can see the vamped body.

Oh, good, the next scene is nonsense, just what I wanted.

captain kathryn janeway, rolling her eyes

Vicki heads to Henry’s to ask him what’s going on, because both he and Mike are acting weird af. Henry, instead of telling her, I don’t know, fucking any-damn-thing, fuckin, “We’re planning a surprise party for Mike’s cousin’s kids’ best friend”, just tells her that they shouldn’t see each other for a while, and he has to get stuff to his editor, so there’s the door! You know, neurotypical “let’s force drama by having everyone act like they’ve never heard of acting human before”. There’s no good reason for Henry to keep this from her, and it’s fuckin dumb.


Coreen is still wearing the hair when Vicki gets the background check results for Lexia: no priors, no real trouble of any kind. She also got the tox results for Gene/Dante: unknown substance in the blood. Vicki thinks regular old drugs, but Coreen insists it’s paranormal, that there can’t possibly be drugs at a nightclub.

Marcia from the Brady Bunch saying "Sure, Jan"

At the club, bartender is talking to Well Goth, says she’s sorry about Dante. “Gene,” he corrects her. She confirms that he hasn’t “said anything” to the people asking questions, then gives him a vial, which he refuses. They argue briefly about whether the drugs killed Dante, and then she leaves – and leaves the vial with him.

Coreen and Vicki come back to the club to ask Lexia if she’s selling drugs like another 4 times. She just keeps saying no, and no one is bright enough to ask if literally anyone else could be selling in the club, and then she walks away.

Well Goth has taken the vial, is super high, stumbles out the door to the dumpster, et voila, bug snack.

Lexia goes off on Coreen for being, like, a traitor to all of gothdom, or some shit, jesus. This is the wrong thing to be mad about! People keep getting eaten by bugs outside your club! DO YOU WANT TO SOLVE THE PROBLEM?! (Of course not, that wouldn’t be ~*dramatic*~ enough for these shit ass writers.)

Someone finds Well Goth and everyone runs outside; Vicki calls an ambulance. He’s still alive, luckily, and Coreen grabs one of the bugs for study. But don’t get too excited: this show knows how to waste momentum like nothing I’ve ever seen, so we’re off to Henry and Mike making decisions about what’s best for Vicki – a grown ass woman who can make her own decisions, last I checked.

a "keep calm" poster, but it says "fuck this guy"
these guys, I guess, sentiment stands!

OMG, it’s a fuckin vampire history lesson. I DON’T CARE, HENRY. I might have cared, if this came at almost any other point in this episode, or if you were TALKING TO VICKI, but no, just ridiculousness from Henry and Mike grandstanding about how the victim of the other vamp was a person. Anyway, they decide not to tell Vicki she might be in mortal danger just for hanging with Henry!

Vicki comes up with the idea that whatever the substance is from the club, it might be attractive to bugs, like a pheromone. She goes to Mohadevan to run it by her, and Mohadevan says she’d need a pure sample to test for that. Vicki also asks about the Jane Doe she and Mike were working on, so Mohadevan gives her the name, and tells her that she’s not supposed to tell her it has something to do with Henry.

Mohadevan for the win!

Mike and Henry get a lead on a photographer that might lead them to the vamp, or be the other vamp, and Henry gives Mike a short sword so he can behead the other vamp if needs be. They check his studio out, find not much, then Vicki shows up. They try not to tell her anything. Still. They insist they’re just teaming up on a case, not that Vicki is in mortal danger.

We are in the final 10 minutes. Who are we looking for? What happened to these kids? Were the police ever called? Is it a drug? Where is the bartender getting it?

Coreen gets wired up to go back to the club and perhaps get some answers. I think this is all supposed to happen in one night, because the hair is still ominously perching on Coreen’s head. And then Vicki says she’ll meet Coreen back at the office at midnight? IT ISN’T EVEN MIDNIGHT?!

Vicki goes back to Henry’s for more made up drama, as we called it on The Knot message boards back in the day. After she leaves, Henry figures out that the other vamp is his dame, Christina.

Okay, so, bartender is some sort of creature that can inject people with the drug, so she does that to Coreen, then tells her that it’s open season on Vicki, and she wanted to be the one to kill her. Some sort of bug demon, there’s an unsatisfying fight, no real answers, and then Henry runs her over with a van. I’m not joking. He squashes her like a bug.

There’s some more drama about Henry and Christina and Mike and Vicki, but this episode exhausted all my goodwill. Upshot: Henry wants to handle it on his own, and thereby set up a multi-episode arc. Great, sure, whatever, can we roll credits now?!


SGRoA: Moonlight, S1 E15: What’s Left Behind

SGRoA post 87 of 122

I mean. Brains, plots, common sense, character development… Oh, wait, they probably don’t mean what the writers left behind, do they? Ah, well, can’t blame a girl for getting confused. Let’s get started!

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SGRoA: Moonlight, S1 E13: Fated To Pretend

SGRoA post 85 of 122

Ooh, lucky number 13! As a witch and always an odd one out (thanks, it’s the autism!), I like 13. I don’t have high hopes after last week’s vampire genocide reveal, because let’s be honest: that was one of the silliest things this very silly show has done. I guess they didn’t want to fill in with another Jack the Ripper episode, eh? I mean, it was good enough for Babylon 5, but not for you?

that’s right, I’m THIS BIG a nerd

Oh, right, Mick’s still “human”. He’s brushing his teeth and sleeping in a bed and drinking coffee! I don’t care! If you hate being a vampire so much, if you think it’s so immoral and terrible and you simply can’t stand yourself, maybe consider ending it yourself? Like, Mick is a coward. I don’t think suicide for humans is a valid choice – I mean, people make it, but it’s terrible, and as someone who’s been there, I do know it gets better, and that it’s very possible to turn everything around – but a vampire? A VAMPIRE. If you fucking hate it that fucking much, jump in a fire, my dude! Ask a friend to cut your head off! Make a Rube Goldberg device!

But for the love of everything in this universe, STOP WHINING ABOUT IT.

Anyway. Mick’s at the beach with Beth. And he’s STILL COMPLAINING. Beth says it’s so nice to see him so happy, and it’s like a whole new him, but he’s all “NO! It’s the OLD ME – from before the CURSE that so vilely affected my LIFE and that I hate SO MUCH I never do anything about it!”

So Beth is totes over Josh already, because she’s in love with Mick, and has been for a while. This scene would be cute if any of these people were likable, but here we are.

Josef is remodeling his blown-apart office. Good there wasn’t any structural damage from those giant military grenades that killed everyone. Sounds very likely. He has two interior designers pitching him, and he hates everything they suggest, and then he yells at them to go away as Mick comes in. They were both women, and as they leave, he says, “Remodeling is a bitch,” making sure to look at the women as he says “bitch” all super drawn out. Thanks, Josef, we know you’re a misogynist. We don’t need reminding.

He follows it up by asking if Mick has “sealed the deal” with Beth yet. Fuckin’ gross, man. And this whole scene is pointless, it just gets Mick to “admit” he’s in love with Beth. Yeah, no shit, you’ve been stalking her since she was four – a fact against this relationship that NEVER COMES UP. The age gap comes up, the inter-species concerns come up, but never that Mick has had a weird obsession with Beth since she was traumatized by his ex-wife. Is this a function of time? Like, did we just not think any of this was noteworthy in 2007? Or is this show just very, very bad? YOU MAKE THE CALL!

Beth gets a call from her editor, who’s still micro-managing her and calls her down to the Buzzwire office after asking where she’s been all day. But uh-oh! Editor – whose name is Maureen – is dead at the ransacked office. Beth is screaming about it, and I can completely understand: who else is going to check her time cards now?!?!?!?!

deal with it

Josh’s replacement shows up at the crime scene, because the ADA always goes to crime scenes. He immediately insults Buzzwire and Mick, and I like him. Maureen’s computer was missing, and Beth thinks it must be related. Fair assumption, for once. Beth and Mick go to the morgue to talk about the body with Guillermo; Maureen was around a vamp just before her death, but was shot in the head. Mick says the vamp shot her to make it look like a human crime, and he’s probably right because the writing is terrible, but we’ll see. I’d throw in a vamp red herring there, but I, like, know how to structure a mystery, so….

Mick and Beth then head off to Maureen’s apartment. Beth says Maureen was obsessive about backing stuff up and goes off to look for a thumb drive. She finds it in a box of tampons after a weird digression about where people hide stuff, and then the cat comes out! CAT CAT CAT CAT CAT – I’m sorry, I’m distracted.

They take the thumb drive to that vampire tech nerd, because the files are encrypted. The password is the cat’s name, of course. Some diet guru is dead of a heart attack (no duh, that’s what dieting does, it ruins your heart), but that’s not enough to kill over. A political scandal looks more promising, but what’s this about Josef? Sexual assault and harassment? Alas, no: charity fraud. Mick is convinced it’s not about Josef, but how likely is that?

They go to check it out, and turns out, no, Josef didn’t kill her. He makes at least three sex “jokes” while they talk.

Next up, the congressman. I think. Look, y’all, I have plans today and it’s 8am, so I’m not entirely awake, but I figure, that’s probably the best way to watch this thing. They show up at a press conference, I guess? Oh, wait, he’s a mayoral candidate. Which is big when you get to cities like LA. I’ve been vaguely following the NYC mayoral race and I live in Aurora, CO. (My mayor sucks absolute balls, thank god we’re not that big yet.)

Mick tries to talk to the dude, but his wrangler tells him that he’ll have to leave and tries to dodge him. Mick just follows them both to the door, telling Dude that someone thinks he set up the accident that kills his wife. Handler says that’s ridics and they leave.

Beth is at the diet guru’s place, trying to pin the death of the spokesmodel on the donuts, but Beth, the science has been in for decades: it doesn’t matter what food was on the diet, the act of intentionally restricting to lose weight will weaken your heart and make you prone to heart attacks. It’s why anorexic people die of heart attacks. It’s why a lot of fat people die of heart attacks – we’ve been dieting and weight-cycling our whole lives in some instances, and our hearts can’t handle that. (If you think the science isn’t there, and I’m making this up? Please see yourself out to the Google and look it the fuck up, thanks. I don’t do fat liberation 101.)

They go to check out the spokesmodel’s body, and she has liposuction scars that aren’t noted in the autopsy. Beth is off to check out the autopsy report (…sure, why not?) and runs into ADA Ben. He’s pissed that they’re investigating (obviously) and tries to remind them that any evidence they get will be inadmissible, probably, and they’re just fucking up. But Ben! This is TV! That will never happen, because these are our protagonists!

Mick is off to investigate…something else, I wasn’t paying attention, and the guy runs. I have to say, the direction of this episode would make it a mostly fun little romp if – again – any of these characters were likable, or if the show hadn’t been so dumb it eliminated all the good will I might have had for it.

Oh, Mick went to the valet who handed the mayoral candidate – Morrow – the keys to his car the night his wife died. Morrow was drunk. Mick’s here because Maureen’s computer showed that Valet sent her a tip about it – but Valet says he absolutely did not, he’s working without papers, he knew Morrow was drunk and gave him the keys anyway to avoid a fight and he has zero interest in being involved. Mick’s confused, and calls computer geek dude. Someone spoofed Valet’s email.

Oh, it’s the little blonde staffer that we’ve seen in both campaign scenes. Takes everyone else seven minutes to figure it out, but I guess they’re not really in a tv show. Anyway, she runs up to the building’s roof to … commit suicide? … because she … spoofed an email and told the press about her murderous boss?

Marcia from the Brady Bunch saying "Sure, Jan"

I wonder if these writers have ever met people? Like, is this one of those “I fed 1000 pages of Forever Knight and Dark Shadows episodes into this neural net and asked it to write me a series” and Moonlight popped out? If that’s the case, kudos! But this was 2007, so…yeah.

Anyway. Mick saves her, and she’s Morrow’s daughter? And somehow this means that Morrow didn’t kill Maureen, so it’s back to the diet guru? Ok, sure, why not. Take me on a ride, neural net.

Beth, Mick, and Ben go interview the plastic surgeon who did the lipo on Spokesmodel; he has three complaints about excessive blood loss after surgeries. I’m guessing vamp, and I’m right, and there’s a fight in the office, because that’ll go great for him. They make it look like Beth is going to get sucked right there, then a commercial break, and Guillermo is pulling glass desk shards out of Mick. But he’s done the legwork our “heroes” haven’t: the doc’s real business is selling rare blood to vamps.

Oh, the vamp doc took Beth and Ben. Does Ben have a good blood type, too? He must. There’s a lot of getting-ready nonsense that we don’t need, and Josef shows up as Mick is taking all his weapons out of hiding, and there are literally 7 minutes left of this episode, so wtf? Please go rescue people instead of having in-depth convos.

Oh, here we go: Mick begs Josef to turn him vampy again so he can rescue Beth. MORE WHINING.

ugh. have to watch Lestat as a palate cleanser

So Mick’s a vamp again (and there apparently is no lore about the strength of the sire, how weak someone would be right after turning, the need for a victim right away – no, it’s fine, that’s fine, tell me more about the taste of blood types, tho) and he saves everyone, the end. Ben was kept blindfolded the whole time so he doesn’t see or know anything, but he also isn’t going to investigate the bodies around him, I’m guessing. Beth and her bad extensions are sad about the re-fangening because he did it for her (heart emoji heart emoji). A lot of pointless feelings talk that could have been expended on the actual mystery, rehashing shit we’ve already talked about. And then they rip off a great song that Buffy already used (“Lucky Ones”, it’s on the first Buffy soundtrack CD that I played over and over and over for like a year in the late 90s) and Beth is sucking his face and then she leaves and it’s over! YAY!

I wish I knew Divia was going to show up on this show. She’d make such a good impact.

See you next week, Snowflakes!

SGRoA: Moonlight, S1 E12: The Mortal Cure

SGRoA post 84 of 122

Hey, y’all! Hope you’ve had a great week. I briefly forgot that time existed and almost didn’t make my recap deadline, but luckily I remembered the concept of Wednesday just in time. Also, I was watching a YouTube essay about how all the Transformers movies were just extended commercials, and Sophia Myles – Beth! – is in the one with Stanley Tucci! Poor thing. So pretty, so doomed to shitty, shitty writing. Let’s see what we get served this week!

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