SGRoA: Forever Knight S03 E02: Black Buddha, Part 2

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Morning, Snowflakes! The novel recap will be up on Friday, but until then, let’s recap the show!

This ep starts with the credits. Hmmm. Interesting. But after that, we’re back into the bombing investigation, with Nick being accosted by the press on the steps of the precinct. 23 cops died in the bombings at the end of the last episode.

Reese asks Nick where Tracy is, but of course Nick doesn’t know. Reese asks a uniform to call her house and her cell, I guess? And not to call her parents, obviously. Continue reading

SGRoA: Forever Knight S03 E01: Black Buddha, Part 1

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Snowflakes. I am sorry to do this to you. But it is how the season starts, so there’s no way around it. Get your tissues ready.

We open on a dude making a bomb, intercut with some people having really aggressive sex. Like, they’re knocking stuff off the nightstands and shit. Oh. It’s the bomb builder who’s having the sex. With a flight attendant. To whom he then gives the bomb, so she can take it on the plane – “Promise not to open it until you’re airborne.” Do people who bomb things usually have active sex lives? It doesn’t seem to fit, to me, but I’m not a forensic psychiatrist or anything, so, you know. Continue reading

SGRoA: Forever Knight Special Features Edition

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Good morning/afternoon/evening, Snowflakes! I spent my morning doing some volunteering at the Aurora History Museum, looking through issues of the local paper from 1957 and 1958. I didn’t find the article I was looking for – something about a plane on display at a park – but I did find a lot of weird local history, including the bizarre practice of announcing one’s engagement by giving one’s friends a five-pound box of candy. Though since I’m on board with giving candy for any occasion, I couldn’t say I disagree with the practice.

And speaking of history, it’s time to learn a little About The Show, and get answers to fans’ questions! Let’s get crackin’! Continue reading

SGRoA: Forever Knight S02 E26: Blood Money

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Hello, Snowflakes! Today we have commentary from Geraint Wyn Davies and James D. Parriot – our “star” and the creator/producer, respectively. This episode was also directed by Davies, so let’s see how much whining Nick does, shall we?

We open on an old guy behind a huge, empty desk. Does he work? Maybe, but apparently his to-do list was short, and he was able to clear that thing off in no time.


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SGRoA: Forever Knight S02 E25: A More Permanent Hell

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Guys, this is the last disc in season 2, and it has previews and an “About The Show” and fan questions AND two commentaries! What the what, yo. They pulled out all the stops, apparently.

“About The Show” is a 20-minute feature; “Questions From Fans” is 8 minutes of people answering questions. Perhaps – if you’re lucky – I’ll throw up an extra recap for those. They seem equally fascinating and risible. But for now, I think I’ll just do this week’s ep with Nigel Bennett’s commentary. I know I love that.

We open on an observatory. A nerdy scientist with huge glasses comes down the stairs from the telescope to talk to two other scientists at a computer. Apparently, glasses dude ran a diaper service with his wife in Toronto that Nigel used for his second son. Can anyone else picture Nigel as a father to human children? Continue reading

SGRoA: Forever Knight S02 E24: The Code

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Hello, Snowflakes! Been a pretty boring week around here, and cold the whole time, which is weird for Colorado. I’m looking forward to Thursday’s promised 50s, but I’m not holding my breath, considering we’re getting unanticipated snow right now. Let’s recap!

Some blonde woman is cutting lines of coke with a hilariously off-brand “credit card”, which might actually just say “Credit Card” in Visa’s colors. You know, like those fake ones they put in wallets? Yeah. I don’t think it does a great job, because she starts freaking out and then crashes through a glass coffee table.

Meanwhile, Schanke’s stuck on the side of the road with a car that won’t start, and he gets rear-ended by a nun. For some reason, this causes him to spin in the street like he’s going to start a musical number, Continue reading

SGRoA: Forever Knight S02 E23: Be My Valentine: TV Dick Edition

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Snowflakes! I am alive! The holiday season – and the kitchen renovation we did – was much more taxing than I thought it would be. Also, I got sick. But I’m better now, the kitchen is done (and it’s gorgeous, OMG, I love cooking again), and I am looking for any excuse not to edit GOLD. Let’s recap!

Some lady is carrying way too much stuff and stops for the mail. I know, you think “Murdered on her stoop!”, but you’d be wrong. She gets an anonymous Valentine’s Day card with some terrible poetry and no signature. But uh-oh: the poem inside is missing the last line, which is written Continue reading

SGRoA: Forever Knight S02 E22: Close Call: Star Trek Edition

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Guys! It snowed! It is, in fact, still snowing! After 70 degree temps well into this month, I figured I’d never get any winter. I’m so happy. Let’s recap!

Some dude with a huge gun – and no, that’s not a euphemism – is being chased down an alley by Schanke, who is at a definite disadvantage with this gun thing. Of course, Nick flies down from somewhere, and since all Schanke sees is movement, he tells Nick to freeze. The dude with the gun almost gets the jump on them, but Schanke fires in time. Too bad he just wounds the guy, who gets back up as Schanke’s turning to Nick. Nick calls out a warning and jumps from the fire escape where he’s been standing to the ground, and knocks the guy out before he can shoot Schanke. Which is all way too fast and accurate for a human to do, so Schanke is Continue reading

SGRoA: Forever Knight S02 E21: Queen of Harps: Amazing Babies Edition

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I know you’re all just here for recaps, but I’m going to make you read my news, anyway. Thing the first: MADNESS is out now, in ebook and print, at all major e-tailers. It’s my first literary novel, but don’t worry, there’s no pop quiz at the end asking you what the theme was.

Thing the second: GOLD is officially finished. Well, final draft is finished. There will be editing. I’m planning a Continue reading

SGRoA: Forever Knight S02 E20: Beyond The Law

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Mr. Winters suggested I make this the Judge Dredd edition, but I haven’t seen that movie, so you’ll have to settle for my usual Mean Girls and random internet meme jokes. Onward!

Some woman in a very early 90s haircut is getting the gift of a pearl necklace (snerk) (Do NOT Google that at work if you don’t get my twelve-year-old’s sense of humor) and then a massage with warm oil all over her negligee, which is probably going to ruin it, and I would not find the thought of ruined silk erotic at all. But it’s all moot, because she gets strangled, of course. Nice to see FK returning to its Crimetime roots, here. Continue reading