SGRoA: Forever Knight, S03 E22: Last Knight

SGRoA post 72 of 122

Guys. Guys. It’s the last episode. I don’t know if I’m emotionally stable enough for this, but I’m going to try. For you.


We start with a bathtub filling, and Lacroix telling us that life is a gift. Cut to a weird camera angle and Lacroix continuing to speak – he’s never understood willfully giving life up, unless you have faith that there’s something beyond this. But will it be heaven, or hell? Is your faith strong enough to push you to find out prematurely?

All of this is intercut with a woman writing a suicide note and then stepping, fully clothed, into the bathtub to cut her wrists. Lacroix tells us not to do it, not to trade our futures for “an empty box”. Continue reading

SGRoA: Forever Knight S03 E21: Ashes to Ashes

SGRoA post 71 of 122

One bit of housekeeping: Even if you didn’t sign up for Reading Until Dawn Con, you can still come see me! The Saturday night book signing is open to the public! Come on down and get your books signed, meet some awesome authors, and talk at me about Canadian professionalism!

And without further ado: DIVIA DIVIA DIVIA OMG ARE YOU READY, SNOWFLAKES?! Continue reading

RiTS: Forever Knight: A Stirring of Dust, Chapter 15 – THE END!

RitS post 14 of 22

Well, Snowflakes, we’ve done it. We’ve made it through one whole Forever Knight book. I hope you’ve enjoyed the recaps, because there are two more of these things sitting on my desk, as well as a sequel to Dracula that I might do next, just to cleanse the palate a little.

I hope you enjoy this final recap!

A page and a half to tell us Nick and Nat are in an empty hotel ballroom!

OK, guys, I will try not to complain about this much, since I spent so much time on it last week, but jeez. I get why most of this exposition is here – Nick wants a big space for the showdown, he memorized the layout of the hotel/convention center on an assignment last year, the hotel keeps the security cameras off unless the space is in use – but do you see how little space that took me? Even if I wanted to write it correctly, it wouldn’t take 500 words, my god.

Stahp Continue reading