Webmaster for the WIN!

Hello Snowflakes! In Catherine's recap of Dying For Fame she really wanted to be able to give you the full effect of the end scene. Alas, her gif making skills are naught!

Forever Knight S01E14 03

I really wish I knew how to make a gif, because he does this little spin, too, and then the fist in the air, and - I don't know. Long Live Rock-n-Roll? Or something? That's the end of the episode. Just Nick, fist-pumping his way to human mediocrity as fast as he can.

However, her faithful webmaster has finally found the time to put it together. Before we begin though, I just want to apologize to those of you that have slower connections or devices. The gif is 3 MB, and I had to fight to get the whole scene that small without making the animation too fast, choppy, or tiny. I thought about giving Gfycat a try, but the site seems to be experiencing difficulties at this time.

Anyway, on with the festivities, drum roll please!

Nick's fist-pumping spin to mediocrity!

Nick Knight fist-pump and spin.

You're welcome.


SGRoA: Forever Knight S01 E18: Feeding The Beast


SGRoA: Forever Knight S01 E17: Unreality TV