RiTS: Forever Knight, Intimations of Mortality, Chapter 5

Nice to see you on this chilly May morning, Snowflakes. I would LOVE to be writing about the writing in Infinity War, but I have a not-so-sneaky suspicion that I will be in the minority opinion here. But if you saw it, tell me what you thought over on FB or Twitter.

So, Chapter 5. Nick's a vampire again, and he heads over to the Raven looking for Vachon. Vachon isn't there, of course, because we need some exposition. The blood in the vampires' glasses smells cloying. Urs likes to flirt with Nick. Vachon is Urs's sire. Urs is only around 100. Nick thinks the world is boring.

Be a lot more interesting if y'all could, you know, DO SOMETHING instead of dancing and thinking about Janette in passing. But no. They have a conversation about Vachon and Tracy and how Nick has broken them up, instead. Urs is relieved, because...Honestly, I don't really know. Something something jealousy, something something humans shouldn't know about vampires, something something dangerous? Say what you want about the character motivation in Infinity War (STUPID and SHITTY), it was at least clear.

Nick starts a fight - seriously, he inserts himself in some squabble over who some lady wants to dance with to stop her from being bitten by one of the vamps, but all he succeeds in doing is starting a fight with the vamp, complete with overturned tables and broken glass. Lacroix has to come break THAT up, but it leaves Nick "breathing hard".

But, sure, okay, vampires need to breathe, sure, why not?

Lacroix lectures Nick about starting fights in his club, and then Nick goes to leave. As he pulls his keys out of his pocket, the dream doll falls out. Lacroix picks it up and tells Nick it's just stupid wish-fulfillment, that his dreams are just dreams, but Nick notices that Lacroix never quite touches the thing, either. 

Nick heads out to his car, starting the engine to warm it up before he gets going. He also rubs his hands together to warm them up, despite being basically cold-blooded, so...yeah. Someone doesn't understand what "not human" means, apparently.

And then he falls asleep, because of course he does.

15 pages of fucking nothing happening.

Not even weed will save this book.


Moonlight, S1, E1: No Such Thing As Vampires, Triumphant Return Edition


RiTS: Forever Knight: Intimations of Mortality, Chapter 4