Hail Hydra Gel

After watching Captain America: The Winter Soldier and the subsequent Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. episodes, I couldn't help but say "Hail Hydra Gel" every time I shaved. Then a few months back the basic concept for a parody of the classic Gillette "The Best a Man Can Get" ad came to me. I was too busy at the time to do anything with it, but I finally found the time. And here it is.

Hail Hydra Gel: Gillette Fusion parody ad featuring Brett Dalton from Marvel's Agents of SHIELD.

Of course I couldn't have made this without help from the internet, so here's a thanks to everyone that made this possible.

Gillette - Obvies. Without "The Best a Man Can Get" and the Fusion Hydra Gel combo where would I be? Without a parody ad, that's where. Also, I'm a big fan of the good old Sensor Excel. I hate all those newfangled razors, they just don't do the job as well. Hey you kids, get off my lawn!

Marvel - Another obvies. "Hail Hydra Gel" just isn't funny without "Hail Hydra". And the whole double agent thing really helped too. Not to mention the hours of entertainment I've received from them throughout the years.

Entertainment Weekly - Which is where I got the pic of Brett Dalton (AKA Grant Ward).

Font Squirrel - Where I found the Josefin Sans font by Typemade that bears enough of a resemblance to the Gillette font for the purposes of a homemade parody ad.

GIMP - The awesome free image manipulation program that helped me put it all together.


SGRoA: Forever Knight S03 E01: Black Buddha, Part 1


SGRoA: Forever Knight Special Features Edition