Big News

No recap this week, Snowflakes. Sorry. It was a big week, and I was out and about a lot, and frankly, time just got away from me. There will be a Roundup tomorrow, and definitely a recap next week.

But! That's not the news! As you may have noticed, I've taken down anything associated with my cover image for BLACK. That's because the image belongs to my publisher, Turquoise Morning Press - or rather, to my former publisher. That's right. I'm now a totally indie author! And before the rumor mill gets started, I requested my rights back for BLACK and its sequel, RED, simply because TMP is making the change from a general publisher to a romance-exclusive one. While BLACK technically met the genre requirements for romance, the sequels absolutely don't.

I enjoyed my time at TMP, and this is simply a reaction to their publishing model. What does that mean for BLACK and the rest of The Imperial Vampires books? Well, at the moment, it means that I'm not for sale anywhere. But no worries! I will be releasing all my current books and all the upcoming ones myself - which means a much quicker schedule on the first three. As for the rest I have planned, well, you'll have to be patient with me as I write them. BLACK will re-release - the third edition! - on July 28. RED will follow on September 15, and GOLD will be out in early 2015. BLACK is a completely new edition, which means a new cover and updated content. The three together are The Josephine Series, books 1, 2, and 3, which are a part of The Imperial Vampires Books. My plan for the future is to have three other books in the same universe, but not necessarily a series or part of Josephine's story. I'll also be releasing an ebook version of my short story collection, A VIEW THROUGH THE SNOW, in advance of my literary novel, MADNESS, releasing in November. So it's a big year! I'm excited, and a little nervous, but mostly excited. Going indie means I have complete creative control, not just over the text of the novels, but also over my covers and marketing materials. I'll keep you all posted on my blog tour schedule, any appearances I plan, and when you can expect the next installment. And of course, I know I wouldn't be able to go indie without the support of you, my fans and readers. Thank you so much! Together, we'll make this a great year!


Friday Roundup: Nuts and Bolts


Friday Roundup: Unicorn Farts, Glitter Rainbows, and Car Accidents